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I’m working on it
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
New art on my redbubble site & a state of the art goose water trough
The delicate beauty of seagulls is underrated imo.
Election days should be public/bank holidays IMO.
Fewer clinic staff (and fewer nurses everywhere) are always the target for cost cutting. It always works out badly and they never learn.
Working in a hospital, management’s solution to limited budgets is running fewer staff in clinics, which means clinical staff are overworked & more stressed. If those in charge if managers did their jobs properly, they would ensure they had sufficient funding to match the kpi given to them.
The sounds created by surveying for offshore wind are 1,000x quieter (!!!!!) than the sounds made by seismic surveys for new oil and gas projects:
There are “no links whatsoever between the offshore wind development activity and especially the humpback whale mortalities. None. Zero.” But oil & gas & shipping interests sure want you to think wind energy is what's killing whales 🧪 www.scientificamerican.com/article/whal...
Whales Are Dying but Not from Offshore Windwww.scientificamerican.com Politicians and nonprofit groups have blamed offshore wind turbines for whale deaths, but the science doesn’t support those claims—at all
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
So the Union decided to respond to the stupid email about me not meeting with my union rep during work hours. I think the response was mostly on principle & I get it. They did also ask me first. It was a good response but I am also pretty sure work will find something else to hassle me about
A drinking trough for the Cape Barren geese
French energy prices go negative as renewables surge, prompting shutdown of nuclear plants "However, the lack of advanced battery technology and adequate investment in energy storage solutions has created inefficiencies in pricing during periods of surplus energy"
French energy prices plummet as renewable power surges, nuclear plants offlinetribune.com.pk Soaring wind and solar generation with anticipated lower weekend demand forced France to deactivate nuclear reactors
Amazing how everyone on the letters page of the 'Herald Sun' is suddenly incredibly pro-nuclear (and pro-Dutton). And they all use the same phrases and wording. It's almost as if the letters are all written... by the same person.
So work have gone into full on cunt mode now. Of course they keep saying they care about my safe return to work. So obviously, I’m wrong about that
Finally saw some goddamn whales. All jokes aside though it is awesome & beautiful when they just slide quietly & gently out of the water nearby
This made me laugh 😂
So somewhat surprisingly, my workcover insurers have been the easy ones to deal with. Work on the other hand… Not that that part has been surprising.
Think I’ll get some wave photos on redbubble
I am definitely pro universal basic income. We need to get employers to stop thinking of us as slave labor and more as consumers. We can't buy shit if we don't have money to spend.
There will be a net failure in the medium to long term, if we decide to broadly support a deregulated, environmentally and socially destructive pathway for large-scale clean energy development. Worse: it causes an illusion of progress due to a short-term hit of development.
Listen up folks: being aggressively in support of solar in general - but also aggressively opposed to corporate developers just vomiting out environmentally destructive projects so they can roll around in some short term benefits even as it toxifies the energy transition - is a pro-climate position
Opinion: Kill Joshua trees for a desert solar project? Readers want none of itwww.latimes.com Joshua trees are threatened and iconic. Readers are outraged over a Mojave Desert project that will kill thousands of them.
Using the computer to make art: 1. Email an artist 2. Offer them a fair wage 3. Voila
So it turns out that in HR land, choosing not to pick a fight you were definitely going to lose is called, in the spirit of good will. 🤮
Going whale watching this morning you guys better hope they’re out there… so I can take lots of great photos to share.
In incredible #ADHD news my therapist told me that she is planning to retire & she will help me with getting a new one if I want & I didn’t even go into a rejection spiral. Kudos to both of us I say.
Hey @justjim.bsky.social I threw a 170 the other day, practicing. I mean, with the bullseye, I was actually aiming for the triple 20, but 170 is 170 & just like in cricket, they all count. How are you doing?
Turns out this comment was a bit controversial 🤷‍♂️