Tris Lawrence (tryslora) [she/her]

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Tris Lawrence (tryslora) [she/her]

Tris Lawrence. Over 50. She/Her. Queer. Writing. Knitting & yarn. A little bit of TKD. Author of Welcome to PHU (magic/shapeshifting/college/LGTBQIA+) and Seven Lakes (magic/shapeshifting/camping/Adirondacks/LGTBQIA+).
I am working on adding an autographing session to my schedule for Buffalo #NASFIC (probably Friday or maybe Sunday). Come visit me, get a book (or bring one you already have!), and chat a while!
Traveling while gluten free means it’s either “what kind of salad am I eating?” Or “ooooh this foodie place GeTs me give me one of everything”
Duck Prints Press is thrilled to announce we've opened recruitment for our next anthology, SCHOLARLY PURSUITS: A QUEER ANTHOLOGY OF COZY ACADEMIA STORIES! Check out all the details, rules, requirements, and more on our website now.
Buffalo NASFIC is coming up this weekend! Come see me and others and enjoy a fantastic lit-con. Can't get there? Some of the programming is available online! My schedule: The participant list:
ConClár Program Web site created using create-react-app
I submitted a short story to a market today. I feel like I have been productive enough for a whole weekend. (Sadly not true. I have a LOT to do for NASFIC preparation, but my brain thinks we're done after one anxiety-inducing thing!)
Ahhh I admit it, I'm jealous of everyone at #Readercon this year. We leave for #NASFIC on Tuesday and couldn't manage two cons in a row. Next year! Meanwhile, some of my work is there! Check out the Duck Prints Press table for anthologies, short story zines, and the first Welcome to PHU novel.
This goes for absolutely any creative work. Word of mouth does more than pretty much any other avenue of promotion.
If you love a book, tell someone. Recommend it. Loan your copy. Send a link. Ask for it at your library. Word of mouth goes further than you think.
Creative types, this is a great week to reread your copy of Never Say You Can't Survive: How to Get Through Hard Times by Making Up Stories by I mean, if you're feeling a little stressed out by everything and it's hard to focus.
We have pretty art. Really pretty art. And it's spicy enough we can't share it on KS, so check out the blog!
The Kickstarter for MANY HANDS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF POLYAMOROUS EROTICA has been named a Kickstarter "Project We Love"! Learn more about the campaign and join us for a focus on the campaign merchandise in today's blog post!
The Kickstarter Campaign for Our First Erotic Anthology is LIVE! Our funding efforts for MANY HANDS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF POLYAMOROUS EROTICA run through July 20th, 2024. Come check out the campaign NOW!
Many Hands: An Anthology of Polyamorous An enticing collection of 15 diverse, queer, spicy stories of threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes!
I love having a wealth of fun and amazing anime to watch each season. I hate that this is overworking the staff to the point where production delays feel as if they have become the norm.
Want to win a copy of Finding Their Roots? The Goodreads and Storygraph giveaways end in three days. Signed paperback proofs on Goodreads, and signed hardcover proofs and ebooks on Storygraph.
Do not care what anyone else thinks. I adore Astro Lodge. #anime
Shouldn’t parallel parking actually be called serial parking?
I have been making words this week. Admittedly, they are remaking of words I've made multiple times over the last many years, trying to make the story properly tight and under 6k and still WORK, but... they are WORDS. #writing #amwriting #shortstories #queerfiction
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, EVERYONE! We are thrilled to announce our second-annual Pride Bundles for Charity with two all-new short story bundles – 30 stories total! – that we are selling at a discount to raise money for Rainbow Railroad. Read more:
Yesterday I watched #deadboydetectives with my mom. After finishing ep 5 she turned to me and said "I remember how I used to be like "Why do we need so many gay people on TV?" and now I am just thinking "please...just kiss finally!"" So thanks for making my mom...gayer?
I now have 6 handwritten pages of notes about this book, and a vague idea of some of the order of events, but mostly, it's like having all the pieces and not a clue how the puzzle goes together. It'd be nice if my brain would cough up a vague outline. #writing #amwriting
I have the urge to write a fic, and no idea for something quick that I could crank out in an hour...
I look at the pictures in the prior post and wonder about the safety mechanisms to detect cars while attempting to pass, and if they'll be confused by the reflective exterior. Or if people will be blinded by the sun. This really seems like a Bad Idea.
I personally do not think that “almost invisible” is a great quality for a motor vehicle.
If you think you need surprises in order to keep audience attention, study romance novels. The whole promise of a romance is you know how it ends-- so the genre is a master class in every other way of maintaining suspense and tension.
i replied along those lines and he was like, “Well, how can we surprise and delight our audience if they possess even a vague idea of what’s coming?” if you can’t delight your audience without every second being a total surprise, you’re not telling a good story
Excitement is realizing I can listen to a long audiobook at 1.25 and still absorb it.
Just sent to my eldest: Being an adult means knowing that every time you have big plans, they will all happen at the same time, and several more get piled on top along the way... :/
We had Korean bbq last night and cracked crab for dinner tonight. I go to Baltimore to play with my food!
We are trying to get out of the parking garage. Waze is super confused. It just warned us of a red light camera. Nah, sorry, I’m just trying to escape without dying of other driver’s stupidity…
Looking for a fluffy romantic quick read with magic this weekend? Check out Finding Their Roots for mildly spicy queer paranormal romance. #queerfiction #paranormalromance #bookpromotion
Totally also true in writing!
It seems to be a rule in arting (and perhaps writing too) that the things you love the most and are most proud of will always get far less attention than the thing you tossed off casually and without nearly as much intention behind it. Something I've learned to accept 🤷🏻‍♂️😂