Tina Skupin

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Tina Skupin


Urban Fantasy Author, Translator, Maker of Stuff, drinker of Coffee
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Prime Day, Schmime Day. Hey, listen, indie bookstores are out there being awesome every day. And they tend to ship directly to you, even if you're not local to the store. They're where the books live! And booksellers are book wizards! Bonafide bibliomancers fast with the recommendations.
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Reposted byAvatar Tina Skupin
me: i need to write me, 30 seconds later: what if i make a meme instead, this is productive and authentic bc it is self promotion but also depressing
Reposted byAvatar Tina Skupin
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Happy shark week, yall
It's #SharkAwarenessDay AND #NonbinaryDay all at once? Just for ME?! You shouldn't have *fans self* Hi! I'm Jaws, a nebulous shark with a very big heart and not enough time to express it all. If that's your jam, welcome 🥰
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Disability justice is essential to: racial justice lgbtq rights housing justice feminism reproductive rights marriage equality workers rights anti-capitalism child welfare climate justice prison abolition It’s Disability Pride Month. Show up for us & for collective justice. Step one: wear an n95.
Merci, la France! ❤️🇫🇷
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Happy #DisabilityPrideMonth! 🌈 Invisible disabilities are of course included ❤️.
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Dear People at bsky.app – when exactly can we expect the Buttons and generally the UI getting properly labelled for people with assisted usage (like - blind/visually impaired people or others who rely on audio)? It is STILL not helpful having buttons labelled with "Button" instead of, say "send".
Dear People at @bsky.app – when exactly can we expect the Buttons and generally the UI getting properly labelled for people with assisted usage (like - blind/visually impaired people or others who rely on audio)? It is STILL not helpful having buttons labelled with "Button" instead of, say "send".
Seconded. Come on @bsky.app ! We want to welcome our disabled friends here and share the blue sky!
Dear @bsky.app, with the latest news of Twitter planning to get LESS accessible + many disabled people still stuck over there, can't you FINALLY make this place here accessible? (Screenreader compatible, with buttons that have proper labels instead of just "button",...?) It's #DisabilityPrideMonth!
@taaya.bsky.social das wird Ingrids nächstes Auto
Beware of the book festivals! (My latest Guardian Books cartoon)
Repostet, damit ich nach Feierabend dran denke. Meine Urlaubsleseliste füllt sich...
Für die letzte Woche des #PrideMonth, also bis zum 30.06., sind die Ebooks der Ausgaben 1 bis 7 von Queer*Welten reduziert und kosten nur 99 Cent! Wenn euch also noch ältere Ausgaben fehlen oder ihr einfach mal für wenig Geld ins Heft reinlesen wollt: amrun-verlag.de/cat/verlagsp...
I need to check if there is an anxiety toy!
For the first time in 30 years, I find myself desperate for a Happy Meal toy www.newyorker.com/news/fault-l...
Da muss ich doch direkt... ich sammel grad meine Urlaubsbücher. Ich hoffe nur, dass ich bis zum Urlaub stark bleibe...
Das eBook von "Ich, Hannibal" ist in diesem Monat noch für den Schnapperpreis von 5,99 € zu haben, also schlagt zu, wie Tamenzut bei wildgewordenen Flussgöttern zuschlagen würde! (Auch diese Grafik wieder (c) by Praktikant, nice, oder? 😌)
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The best fish videos, and worst puns on the entire internet!
Have you heard? It’s World Ocean Day! 🌍🌊 Let’s raise our voices and seal-ebrate all the wonders the ocean provides. From regulating our planet’s climate to the incredible wildlife it supports, the nourishment it offers, and the calming solace it brings us. We can't shell-ebrate our ocean enough. 🐋💙
We often think that we have to be sad and angry until we have rooted out ALL the evil. And when there is a victory, there comes the "but it is not enough," "but this other thing is still bad."
if you operate in crisis mode at all times and focus exclusively on everything that is bad and getting worse eventually you will end up as an apathetic depressed husk convinced that nothing you or anyone else does will make a difference if you really want to do good, don't let this happen to you
Learning to program means being challenged every day in new and unexpected ways.
"commonality of experience" - the German word for this is Einheitsbrei! Also, of course it was not the pandemic, not the streaming, not the ridiculous idea that every movie is either Avengers or a failure. Naaaaa, It is the catharsis that is the problem.
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
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Noch ein bissl Motivation gefällig? 😄💪
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Now feels like a great time to remind people that I made a hashtag #TransBooks365 just to talk up any stories by or about trans people that you love. I'm hosting an event day on May 29th where we all just shout together to get more attention trans stories!
i'm declaring it Trans Joy Sunday here on Bluesky, act appropriately 🩵🤍🩷
Rejoice! the next step of the Kakapo world domination tour is done! (I for one welcome our feathery overlords!)
There’s a new #kakapo island! On Friday we released four males to Te Puka-Hereka/Coal Island, the southern-most island in Fiordland, with Ngāi Tahu and the Coal Island Trust. This is to help relieve the pressure for space on the main breeding islands. #conservation #parrots
Where is my urban fantasy about this?
My god what did you do Cinda
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First read this thread...
[at unicorn fuck club] JRR Tolkien: tonight we've got a special story from everyone's favorite fantasy writer GRR Martin: CS Lewis: Peter S Beagle: Hans Christian Andersen: L Frank Baum: Tolkien: whoops shouldn't have said that ha ha Tolkien: i mean, you're all winners in my book
"beavers carrying too much shit" is a mood.
These guys fucking love to have items
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I can’t tell you how much peace this gives me, & how much it eases the guilt of feeling like nothing I do— nothing I’ve ever done— was enough. It also helps me to remember there are many different ways to be an activist. I think the trick is finding YOUR way, & then doing it with your whole heart.
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Yo “Gays Against Groomers” the org comprised entirely of straight people except for one bisexual woman at the top who’s husband is a convicted pedophile just dropped the hardest fucking trans rights flag ever made thinking it made us look scary instead of inconceivably badass. This is ours now.
I got a mail from Sarah. What Sarah? I don't know you. Then, I read that it is a mail from an NGO. Happens now all the time. Ryan from the green party is writing to me. And Mark from that one webpage... I honestly hate this! It puta me into a complete wrong headspace.
Behold, the first punk rocker! (he died when she smashed her instrument over his head, inventing this glorious tradition) No, there is no proof for that. But why do all the conspiracy theories just be doom and gloom?
"Despite battling a fever and being on the brink of death, Plato...retained enough lucidity to critique the musician [an enslaved Thracian girl] for her lack of rhythm, the account suggests." he died as he lived www.theguardian.com/books/2024/a...
Plato’s final hours recounted in scroll found in Vesuvius ashwww.theguardian.com Newly deciphered passages outline Greek philosopher’s burial place and describe critique of slave musician