
There's that meme where they say it's always morally correct to pirate Adobe. That's BS for me. Why? Because it still keeps it afloat in the market. You are still dependent on it, and Adobe knows it. Let it go and choose the alternatives: our support will help them replace Adobe.
Tangent, but same with the clinging the JKR's fantasy and the ilk Go support new fantasy. Build up new voices
Man, I really hope alternatives like Affinity and similar ones get bigger. It annoys me that Adobe is often an industry standard, and if you work with others (especially in a company) then you can't really use anything else. Like... OK, u can open psd, but what about illustrator or indesign formats?
Yeah, it was all long run plan to make the product as widespread as possible, and the userbase as dependant, so they can now do whatever they want cuz they know many ppl won't go back. It's hard to untrain yourself or learn something new after all
If one pirated and used Adobe products as a teen or student, then when one entered the workforce, one could still state 'experience with Photoshop and Illustrator' on their resumes and find jobs. These companies are not looking for experience with Corel Draw or GIMP.
At one point (prior to moving everything to the cloud) it was estimated that 90% of Photoshop use was pirated, and yet Adobe remained fantastically profitable.
It's because they knew what they were doing to become profitable
Yeah, it was all long run plan to make the product as widespread as possible, and the userbase as dependant, so they can now do whatever they want cuz they know many ppl won't go back. It's hard to untrain yourself or learn something new after all
I think the only reason i still have it even installed is to do chromatic aberration, which CSP still doesn't have a great way to do @_@
Try finding out if other software has it. GIMP def should and iirc FireAlpaca had it as well
Hm I've never liked those programs unfortunately, though i wonder if krita might
You don't have to use them all the time, just use them for that one specific thing. It's what I do. I have a program I am comfy with, but I will on rare occasion fire up gimp for their colour to alpha tool.
Definitely what I do. I constantly swap between the software and use their parts when needed.
Have you tried grabbing one of those auto action thingies from the asset market on CSP? I've seen a few different free chromatic aberration ones if you need that effect for certain pieces.
I have! I unfortunately haven't found one that works... For much of anything tbh, they never seem to do what they say they do :(
Ever since I started Clip Studio Paint I haven't looked back to Photoshop. I wish I made the change sooner.
I was all in on CSP, but that nonsense with licenses lost me as a customer. I should really get better with Krita.
can you please recommend a viable alternative? a lot of the ones I've tried have UI that I just can't seem to adapt to. (Gimp/
Sure. I personally use FireAlpaca/Medibang, SAI, CSP, GIMP, Procreate, and some Infinite Painter in my workflow. There's also Paintstorm, Krita, ArtRage, or Concepts (that one is great for... concepts!) On the go I use Colors on DS/3DS/Switch too. Feather is a cool 3D drawing app.
Imo Affinity is worth checking, and they have around 50% sale rn (they have demo too I think)
Does Affinity run on linux?
Officially, only Windows/Mac/iOS But I've seen some forum posts where ppl had a workaround way to make it work (just not stable 1:1 experience) with Wine. I myself never really worked on Linux, so I won't help much with it, unfortunately.
Do it by supporting the alternatives whenever you can💪
Oh wow, honestly this is an excellent point!
I wish I could find it, but I distinctly remember somebody here or on Twitter saying that pirating Adobe was *literally* how they got the biggest possible discount for Creative Cloud. Adobe caught on to their non-genuine license and offered them a steep discount they couldn’t find anywhere else.