Kaia Ball (They/Them)

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Kaia Ball (They/Them)


Writer? I hardly-

Check out my soup history blog: https://soupapalooza.wordpress.com/
There's a professional website too with essays and poetry and stuff but I really really wanted you to read the soup one first: https://kaia-ball.com/
Theory: if eating less and being active made you healthier then being blue collar would make you fitter. Like, the Walmart/Disney workers all on SNAP? Also on their feet all day? And yet somehow does not produce the Adonis standards the Fitfluencers expect...
Heartbreaking, yet practical signage at Sherman's Bookshop in Bar Harbor, Maine! #kidlit #barharbor #indiebookstore
No word game is worth paying a guy who is actively trying to help usher in a dictatorship. Cancel that NYT subscription today.
Doomerism ain't it! It's appealing! I know! But it's not true!
once again, I do wish there was a stated public covid position that wasn't either "it's a made up problem and vaccines don't work" or "it's literally airborne HIV and also vaccines don't work". Seems like there's room there for something else!
the wikipedia page for the drake-kendrick beef uses the same table that you find on articles about actual wars
extroverts like watching TV and snacks too. books even
No WAY I just hear "Good Luck Babe" playing over a Subway (sandwich restaurant) radio between Somebody I Used to Know and Lose Yourself. What has she done to these straights.
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 25,1948
those social media timers don't work when you have ADHD I just switched to doomscrolling on LinkedIn 😭
currently buying eggs for ten times what I bought eggs for 3 years ago. feeling normal about it and definitely not actively numbing my feelings in order to function
as a kid I used to say "neither are u" and no one thought it was funny and it turned me into the dark sadistic twisted person I am today who lets people say "excuse me" when they sneeze instead of saying bless you sometimes cuz sometimes I feel weird about. The blessing thing? Idk it's a lot
There’re a fuckton of letters that aren’t in “team”
> pious guy who dimension hopped and no gods can help him now, wrong jurisdiction
you fuckin moron! youve been praying to the wrong patron saint! that saint doesnt give a shit about that! no wonder youre such a failure!!
Your Cherokee words for today. The top word is English followed by how it is written in the Cherokee language followed by how it is spelled in English then how to pronounce it phonetically.
Queer video essayist addresses the doubts regarding the "AIDS Angel" of Arkansas, taking issues with Ruth Coker Burks' claims in her memoir and interviewing people from the area whose accounts on the history of the AIDS crisis in AR differ vastly from Burks' #queerhistory #videoessay
RUTHLESS: The REAL Story Behind the 'AIDS Angel' of Arkansaswww.youtube.com Ruth Coker Burks, the "AIDS ANGEL" Of Hot Springs, Arkansas is a grifter. In this video I uncover some of her scams and I interview people who were in the ar...
full moon summer solstice friday night humans be revelliiiiiing get fucking down with it
do it do it do it Plus, lil treat for later - hot new book
Something I as a tech services librarian recommend: As soon as you hear about a forthcoming book you’d like to borrow, go to your library’s catalog and try to place a hold. There’s a good chance a record is already there. Strong demand stats help us plan—and look good to trustees & administrators. 📚
estrogen and vladiqueer. waiting for gaydot. who's with me
Cozy Fantasy authors are always like ‘this genre has opened up new space for marginalized authors to explore fantasies we’ve never seen before’ and then the fantasy is ‘engaging in white flight’
I'm Shirley, a Black/Korean woman who makes really cool art. It's Juneteenth, and Black people still have yet to receive reparations. But here are some of the ways you can financially support me today! ✨💖 ✨: paypal.com/paypalme/lioninthetrees ✨: ko-fi.com/lioninthetrees ✨: shop.lioninthetrees.com
Jesus shares he has been a farm worker for 14 years and today was the last day of the cherry harvest for him in the central valley of CA. He earned $5.50 for each container he filled. Tomorrow he wil start picking tomatoes. #WeFeedYou
handy internet faq "why is no one talking about this" - they are "why is the media not reporting this" - they are
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉 blog.archive.org/2024/06/17/l...
Your Cherokee words for today. The top word is English followed by how it is written in the Cherokee language followed by how it is spelled in English then how to pronounce it phonetically.
why did I think hunter biden is 24 he's the same age as my dad
"Ah, so THAT'S what scissoring is!"
Every Monday morning should begin with a massive mahogany table, me gently placing a scroll on one end of it, & then, with one deft motion, letting it unroll from one end of the table to the other. “Let’s begin,” I’ll say afterward.
(guy who's been looking for an excuse to die) and i'll die on this hill
Great Pride read covering trans eatables, ace propensity for garlic bread, a lil history lesson on colonialism, all around good stuff!
Happy pride! I wrote about the food that makes you gay, from jokes about ice cream to worries about soy, the long history of colonial fears about bodies and selves being able to change via food, and why that needn't be feared at all www.eater.com/24162871/foo...
The Food That Makes You Gaywww.eater.com Too many people grow up fearing what food might reveal about themselves. Maybe it’s time we embrace self-discovery.