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This is actually a real game that you can actually play 😂 WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP!
There have been far too many people that have died both directly and indirectly because of Donald Trump for me to ever say I “condemn” anyone who wishes ill on that gigantic piece of shit. Liberals are condemning people for saying what we all think while the right is ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL US ALL
Do liberals not understand: A. The right wants everyone dead who doesn’t agree with them? B. That if this happened to Biden instead of Trump, the right would be running ads 24/7 lampooning the assassination attempt? C. Respectability means fuck all to murderous fucking fascists?! Come tf on
Been a pretty huge Tenacious D fan for like the last 18 years but I've lost all respect for Jack Black for being such a little bitch. Really sad too because School of Rock is like one of my favorite movies ever lol
Lmao Jack Black cancels his Tenacious D tour because when making a birthday wish on stage during a show, his bandmate Kyle Gass said "Don't miss Trump next time." Sick of these idiot liberals who act like hoping for the demise of those who CAUSE ACTUAL DEATHS is an unfathomable position to take
Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour after Kyle Gass's comments about Donald Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment on stage about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
If you can't say that Trump deserved what happened to him because of all of the pain and suffering he has caused and all of the hatred and vitriol he has directly fomented, you're not someone that I want to be associated with because you're either totally dishonest or a complete fucking idiot.
Lmao Jack Black cancels his Tenacious D tour because when making a birthday wish on stage during a show, his bandmate Kyle Gass said "Don't miss Trump next time." Sick of these idiot liberals who act like hoping for the demise of those who CAUSE ACTUAL DEATHS is an unfathomable position to take
Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour after Kyle Gass's comments about Donald Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment on stage about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Lmao Jack Black cancels his Tenacious D tour because when making a birthday wish on stage during a show, his bandmate Kyle Gass said "Don't miss Trump next time." Sick of these idiot liberals who act like hoping for the demise of those who CAUSE ACTUAL DEATHS is an unfathomable position to take
Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour after Kyle Gass's comments about Donald Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment on stage about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
This is actually a real game that you can actually play 😂 WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP!
Going to see Kinds of Kindness tonight! Gonna get some Yorgos all up in my Lanthimos
I haven't gone to see a movie this late in a while. I'm excited af because I've not watched any trailers and have read absolutely NOTHING about this movie. I just have 100% trust in Yorgos as a director at this point. So this is gonna be an absolute blast
Going to see Kinds of Kindness tonight! Gonna get some Yorgos all up in my Lanthimos
Going to see Kinds of Kindness tonight! Gonna get some Yorgos all up in my Lanthimos
Use my post as a "Thomas should have aimed better" button
Loving the new Cigarettes After Sex album. All of their songs sound exactly the same and are amazing for sex lmao 😂
You had one job!
With your non-aiming ass
Clarence Darrow said, "I have never wished death on any man. However I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."
I REFUSE to feel guilty for laughing at things that are hilarious.
“I don’t wish death on other people no matter what they’ve done.” Well bitch, I do!
Melania’s wicked witch looking ass talking about “The fabric of our nation is tattered” as if her husband isn’t the fucking devil. Girl, please.
With your non-aiming ass
Okay I am a reformed Matt Smith hater. Daemon is badass and Season 1 Episode 3 of House of the Dragon gave me EXACTLY what I wanted this whole time -- a reason to keep watching.
House of the Dragon using the exact same theme song as Game of Thrones is lame AF honestly
There is no situation where leftists won’t respond with dread, and it’s miserable. History is made by seizing opportunities and it’s impossible to do so if you assume everything that happens is going to be terrible
So I decided to give House of the Dragon a go and so far the first two episodes have not reeled me in. I’ve guessed every plot point so far (besides the Black dude offering up his daughter 🤮) and have not been compelled to continue. So far, I hate the show overall WAY more than I hate Matt Smith.
If I can put aside my hatred of Matt Smith to start watching House of the Dragon, then you can put aside your hate to... you know what, don't put aside your hate. Let it flow through you
Conspiracy theory: He set this up himself. No way in hell they wouldn't have had snipers on top of a building with a direct line of sight to that venue.
damn the shooter was a white man, y’all gotta stop with this white on white violence
I condemn former president Trump's shooter……………………....'s lack of aim
And I can say that without telling a Black man who is one of very few dissenting voices there to quit his job and work at McDonald’s. Funny, that.
I hate the New York Times
I hate the New York Times
New York Times Editorial Board: "Mr. Trump’s political agenda cannot and must not be opposed by violence. It cannot and must not be pursued through violence." Ok but to be clear Trump's political agenda *is* violence. We get that right? I dont want us to miss that
Opinion | The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to Political violence is antithetical to our democracy.