
Uggggh. This is probably my biggest beef with Star Wars as a franchise: I hate how it holds up stoicism as the pinnacle of enlightenment, & asserts that having feelings is bad. It’s such toxically masculine BS.
The older I get the more fucked up the "builds character" axiom becomes to me. Like what the fuck is that SUPPOSED to mean, really?
I had a bit of a dad like that. But he did explain it to me. Mainly, it's a "when you learn to tolerate an inevitable bad thing, that makes the lesser bad things feel like nothing. So you feel like you can face anything, instead of making mountains out of every molehill or obstacle in your way."
Framing is important. That conclusion is a good one, but it's not an inevitable conclusion to bad experiences without proper guidance. In the real world there are a sizable amount of people who think their bad experiences give them entitlement.
Oooooh yeah. Like the "well in MY day, XYZ bad shit happened to me, therefore I think everybody else ought to suffer just as much as I did" types.
I agree. I am a comfy person, I prioritize my comfort. But when there's a setback I sometimes remember those lessons. To me, it's a distress management approach philosophy. Bad or annoying things will inevitably happen.
Sigh. I guess it means that if you suffer, you become a more interesting or enlightened person? Which, like… maybe yes, maybe no. I think to some degree, suffering can cause people to be more empathetic. But not necessarily. For some it does the opposite. So yeah. All in all, kinda a bullshit idea.
My take is that this kind of stances is part of why the order fell. It's an aspect of Legend that I liked, that Luke decided to tone it down a little. It's kind of painful to see the new Canon having Luke gearing straight back to it, in the Mandalorian.
The idea (and this is true in therapy also) is to have the emotions but not be attached to them, which means not identifying with them. "There is anger" vs. "I am angry." Litany Against Fear from Dune is a similar mechanism. The emotion is allowed but not savored, and then there it goes.
As for suffering, yeah, it depends how you respond to it whether it builds or destroys your character. The above is basically Buddhist, the goal of which is to recognize suffering (but not pain) as an illusion. Suffering being attachment (identification with, savoring of) pain.
This is also why Christianity emphasizes gratitude for trials. The same idea just more expedient, philosophy in action.
We can invent laser swords and faster than light travel, but therapists are beyond our comprehension.
And graphics are all just pixels.
That’s right! Calvin’s dad named him after John Calvin!
He couldn't have had his character growth of turning away from the dark side if he'd never joined it!
read this in Chris Parnell's voice and it was perfection