
Libertarians man, not even once.
Also, and I say this with love, if I was going to QT in a way to make him sound like an evil commie there's better material.
God, the unblinking move from cosmopolitan to communist. I don't even remember why I was checking Twitter. Probably because all of you keep telling me it's terrible, there's a specific terrible thing happening there right now that I definitely shouldn't see.
Sure, but the goal here is to make basic political behavior into nefarious treachery to be crushed under the bootheel. They've already had their fun with the nutpicking and are ready to move on to the next step in the process.
Every time I talk to a libertarian I am reminded that they're the party that was like, "What if we take all the worst parts of the GOP, but we let everyone smoke weed?"
Libertarian philosophy has real things going for it, but it's just one of those inescapable truths that people who choose to identify and organize as libertarians are far worse than their philosophy.
"i don't want the government to tell me what to smoke" keeps becoming "I don't want the government telling me I can't enslave my employees and call them slurs for funsies"
"It's tyranny that the government won't let me be a tyrant."
This was the conversation I had with Fiance. One day (years into our relationship) we were talking politics and he was like, "Yeah, I'm a Libertarian." I was thrown for one hell of a loop. We both learned things about Libertarians and libertarian philosophy that day.