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From the bird app. Talk about politics a lot but mostly want to talk about Stevie Wonder and August Wilson. She stay in the hills, he stay in Atlanta, I pay for them both.
From “don’t be evil” to “Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics.” From the internet democratizing everything to the people making their billions off of digital technology rejecting democratic oversight AND free speech. Fascinating.
Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Marc Andreessen are lining up behind Donald Trump and his Thiel-funded running mate J.D. Vance. They want to ensure tech is integral to making American great again.
Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump termdisconnect.blog The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
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I think it’s pretty clear that the much of the political press has a story they want to tell about Trump at this point, and they’re so committed to it that mere facts to the contrary are not going to dissuade them. bsky.app/profile/jami...
Does Luther feel the emotion he arouses, or does he, like Cleopatra and Whitney Houston, arouse emotion without needing to represent the emotion aroused?
When neuroscientists casually claim that the brain state “emotion” (as opposed to the subjective experience “feeling”) is ex/incited by “memory” and “external stimuli” do they have any idea of the almost century-long debate wrt the practice of acting they are wading into?
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If this were Biden there would be 30 stories in the NYTimes, WSJ, and WaPo by 8:30am Eastern
Officially “are there gays left in this bar besides the bartender, the piano player, and me” o’clock.
The ONLY good ABBA song is Winner Takes It All, btw.
Now the question becomes: who will serve more Sista Girl, LaMonica or Jasmine Crockett? So glad to exclusively live in districts where our representatives know how to snap in a Z formation.
while you're all online, it's now officially over in NJ-10: LaMonica McIver overwhelmingly won the Democratic convention to replace the late Rep. Donald Payne Jr. on November's ballot, two days after winning the Democratic primary for the September special election for his vacant seat
McIver, fresh off primary win, gets convention nod for full term - New Jersey Globenewjerseyglobe.com Newark City Council President LaMonica McIver, who two days ago won a special 10th district Democratic primary for the unexpired term of the late Rep.
Is there anyone on this website who understands the relationship between a handclap and a soupcon?
There is a gayness that I worry is going away in America and I will miss it. It’s a particular playful relationship to gender that gay men (can) have that I just, like, love and will miss when it’s gone. Although it probably won’t be all the way gone until well after I’m dead.
Hmmmmm maybe I should post about I Would Die 4 U, a perfect record, which is also a postmodern analysis of the relationship between celebrity, evangelicalism, and gender. :)
One advantage of Kamala Harris, who I understand is less of a popular option here than on the bird app, is that she would make it obvious how diminished Trump is by not being more diminished alongside him.
That part
This shit is boring af. Is that how they’re planning on hiding Project 2025? Boring us so much we can’t keep our eyes open to read the PDF?
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This is so boring, so disengaged and so incoherent that I don’t think anyone can spin this. This is not an acceptable performance from a president. It looks and feels like a dead end cult.
This shit is boring af. Is that how they’re planning on hiding Project 2025? Boring us so much we can’t keep our eyes open to read the PDF?
Marie’s Crisis, or, Parasociality has always been part of the show.
I’m real life studying musicals just so I can know the parts better at Marie’s Crisis I really like myself.
They updated my favorite backpack (Black Ember Forge) but the update does not seem to have… really… improved… anything?
Marie’s needs to have a regulars line and a tourists line, I don’t need to be waiting in line rn behind ppl who don’t know the words to Green Finch and Linnet Bird.
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i do think that in the last four months of this administration, whether it looks like they win or lose, biden needs to start taking some pretty significant executive and administrative action to cut ties with musk-owned companies, even if they come at significant cost.
I have had Yglesias blocked since like 2022 or something but like… are we sure he isn’t kidding? He sincerely believes all of those words? Hm.
Again, these gobshites have no freaking idea about the coalitions that compose the Democratic Party. They think they can bypass the 1st black woman vice-president and replace her with a white woman and there isn’t an electoral cost? Are black women chopped liver?
I really be wanting to fight these “DPs” (read: camera ops) that don’t know how to hold a shot or focus on the relevant subject or just like shoot good.
We live in a system in which the President has absolute control over the attorney general and courts have zero jurisdiction over anything the President does vis a vis the DOJ AND ALSO Congress asserting its prerogative over the judicial branch is considered a breach of norms. Hmm.
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The pre-Trump GOP has been memory-holed
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I’m not surprised but it’s kind of gutting regardless that it’s not even an issue this campaign. It’s like it never happened at all.
lol it’s four years after the George Floyd protests and all the promises have been abandoned as everything has gotten worse for Black people 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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The tl;dr This is union-busting, written as a statute. A company union is not a union, it is a way for management to dilute/interfere with the power of the union. Company unions have been unlawful since 1935, because everyone recognizes it is an attempt to union bust. This is trying to undo that.
Not a populist: GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance introduced the Team Act (with Marco Rubio) to empower companies to establish and dissolve “employee involvement organizations” (a.k.a., company unions), a long-standing goal of GOP business leaders: www.rubio.senate.gov/wp-content/u...
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No, Trump! Don’t associate yourself with the Supreme Court more closely, that’s the only thing I ask! Please don’t call them honorable and sacred that’s our one weakness!
It is comically irresponsible how the news media claims Trump is a "changed man" and "somber" and "serene" and "adopting a new tone"