
no. roberts wrote the immunity opinion because he is a movement conservative and always has been. he seems "moderate" to dimwits because his method is to operate slowly, doing his damage with paper cuts and false humility while embedding the next step in each ruling.
This a "he joined the majority to write the opinion and try to limit the craziness" view?
The fact that his low-key polite snake demeanor has been on full display SINCE HIS CONFIRMATION HEARING has driven me steadily crazy for so long
Because I have MGS on the brain I’m now imagining John Roberts humping the ground like when you move Snake really slowly in MGS 4
Roberts is no different than Alito other than the fact that he knows how to behave in public
king o' the poison pill method
A lot of people said Trump not running again could be worse bc then maybe a more competent fascist (like DeSantis, lol) could win. What we didn't quite think about was that the more competent fascist had been the head of the Supreme Court for over a decade already.