Mid century Moderne

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Mid century Moderne


I was "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" on the platform we're all now fleeing. Late middle-aged IT guy hoping to outlast and help overcome the raging threats to US democracy.
Mabel is blessed with generally good health, digestive and otherwise, but she occasionally gets what that friend of Gwenyth Paltrow did, and she’s diligent about letting us know she needs to go out NOW. Please.
I love me some If Books Could Kill. This is Michael and Peter talking about Jonah Goldberg's definition of (liberal) fascism: "Whether by force or through regulation ..." "Yeah, what people object to is the force part!"
The nice thing about working as a NYT opinion columnist is you don't have to keep coming up with new topics. Just space them out every few weeks.
How medical experts evaluate Trump's cognitive decline. www.alternet.org/alternet-exc...
The future that liberals want. Or at least one that this one doesn’t mind.
If this means anything to you, get your affairs in order but let’s talk about Raven and Nicole.
@gothamgirlblue.com on why Democrats should lean in hard on his conviction and general criminality. www.damemagazine.com/2024/05/07/t...
I was kind of stumped as to who or what he was talking about here, but now I think I get it. Allen Weisselberg? Or Hannibal Lector?
I just want to post something so I can prove that this happened in my lifetime.
So if he got the max he’d be serving 136 years. I’m okay with leniency here. I’d be satisfied with 20. Provided we never hear from him again.
Road trip Them: Should we put on some music? Me: We could. Or …
It was in Telly’s contact that he smoke in every scene and it’s kind of worth it.
This won’t mean much if you don’t know Mabel’s history, but she came to us exuberant and INTENSE, craving constant interaction. We were glad she bonded so quickly but also … could you dial it down a bit? Well, she has. I have very few pictures of her sleeping up until now.
I’m fine that we haven’t caught up with even the first generation, but I wouldn’t mind ten forward if not the Holodeck.
A musically perceptive friend back in the 70s said about Andy Williams, “His voice sounds like it’s pinned to the back of his throat” and I think about that whenever I hear him. His voice is technically proficient and lovely but you get the sense that he keeps it under tight control.
The first rule of copaganda: passive voice for cop actions, active voice for inanimate objects.
Picked up Viktor Frankel’s Man’s Search for Meaning and thinking about what it means to lose control over your very existence and not know when/if that’s going to end. Humans are amazing.
I always question the news value behind Jesus stories in 2024. Like, how likely is it this one outlet got a scoop?
I sometimes forget that PBS is a streaming option.
My photo group’s theme this week was #commerce which made me notice this instance of commerce receding.
I haven’t yet watched an entire movie via Youtube but there’s a taped-off-VCR edition of 1978’s Beyond and Back and I’m tempted. It’s wild. Attempts to prove there is life after death. Not for this movie however.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw breaking news about a Joe, 82, dying. But then I read the name and thought fuck that guy.
When one person calls another “dude” online it’s not necessarily going to escalate, but when they get duded back things might get ugly.