Mid century Moderne

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Mid century Moderne


I was "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" on the platform we're all now fleeing. Late middle-aged IT guy hoping to outlast and help overcome the raging threats to US democracy.
The UK is a weird case because the fascism they rejected was kind of lazy and deluded but extremely powerful until they just weren’t. And the good guys are really morally compromised plus bad at messaging whereas ours are mostly bad at politics.
an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
I really don’t want you to be right on this while knowing that you’re almost always, and quite possibly always always, right.
It does not speak well of Biden that his biggest defenders think it's harder to reason with him than it is to browbeat millions of people into silence.
Even if your well-being isn’t deeply affected by the hormones your body produces and the ones it doesn’t, it should anger everyone with a body that some people want withhold medicine from other people because they disapprove.
In the past couple of weeks Biden's partial reversal on supporting GAC for youth combined with several very extreme SCOTUS decisions and Biden's current troubles have made it seem plausible that my healthcare isn't safe even in a blue state. This is not okay.
If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
Pretty fucking telling, IMO, that the terfs aren’t celebrating a win here because they’re actually all far-right dipshits who pretend they MIGHT vote Labour but never will. Hope the party stops courting their vote now.
For about the millionth time, I’ll just say — having a public editor who could ask people how this happened and lay it out for readers would actually make the paper look better than fucking up this badly and then walking away from it without saying a word.
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via @bubbaprog.ilovecitr.us
Gonna run for president on a platform that Bush v Gore was decided incorrectly and therefore Roberts and Alito were appointed illegitimately. Not only do they have to be removed from the court, but they also have to be put in jail for treason for wrongfully accepting the position.
They did, actually. The very separation of powers that the 6 justices used as an excuse to place the President above the law was meant to be a safeguard against any one branch acting badly.
What he didn’t understand, what I certainly didn’t, is those victories were still not universally accepted. That there were forces at work, energized in no small part by his occupying the office, that not only disagreed that those changes were improvements but were actively trying to undo them.
I’m thinking of buying an actual American flag this July 4 bc why should we cede our flag to them. Is there a pro-democracy org that sells US flags? And could deliver to Philly in a day or so?
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Gender Critical people who also write for neo-Nazi outlets, and believe there might be some truth in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? What a huge surprise.
GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public. luketurner.com/Nina_Power/
Nina Powerluketurner.com Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
every time we get news abt clarence thomas being deeply unserious i think about him lying for years about his sister being a welfare queen who was indoctrinating her children into welfare dependency and the entire time she was working two jobs and her kids were either employed or still in school
No one actually cares about this stuff! You will not be rewarded for following DOJ protocol. You will be rewarded if you use as much power as you can get away with to make life better for your constituents, the same way Republicans use as much power as they can get away with to fuck us!
This is kind of a personal hobbyhorse of mine so I apologize if you've heard me say this before but stuff like the Dukakis tank and Dean scream I think can be attributed to Republicans who own the media just replaying this shit over and over and telling us all how to feel about it.
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
Of all the jobs that used to exist, madcap heiress seems the most under-appreciated.
I’m thinking of buying an actual American flag this July 4 bc why should we cede our flag to them. Is there a pro-democracy org that sells US flags? And could deliver to Philly in a day or so?
SCOTUS’ decision wasn’t shocking in the sense that no one could see it coming. And we know the six conservative judges aren’t good people. But it’s still shocking. The fact that all 6 signed on. One of them could have made a weak dissent just to preserve the illusion of grappling w/the implications.
We probably ought to have a conversation about a partisan court declaring Trump above the rule of law that is at least as intense as the one we've had about Joe Biden being very old.
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
JK Rowling, Terf author famous for writing about underage children, thinks LOLITA is a "Tragic love story" Not only is she a hateful bitch, she's a STUPID, hateful bitch.
it was very radicalizing to me to see the way that other people reacted to trans people asking for accommodations that were, it seemed to me, completely free what the fuck is it to me if I call you different names or pronouns? hell, what is it if you personally get a surgery?
part of the reason i am always on about the ideological, non-material drivers of politics is that i am a member of a tiny materially irrelevant minority that is nevertheless vigorously hated and pursued by the right
I think also they understand that if they call for Biden to step aside, there will be fevered discussions about Biden stepping aside, and if they call for Trump to step aside, everyone will say "lol good luck with that" and Trump will tweet "failing NYT" and everyone will immediately move on
Overturning Chevron is going to usher in an era where self-taught judicial expertise in technical areas such as chemistry, statistics, mechanical engineering, biology, geomorphology, epidemiology, mathematics, and many other fields will once more be able to shine forth as it did in the Middle Ages.
Republicans got where they are now by doing all this boring shit and voting for politicians they hated. If we want to stop them, we have to roll up our sleeves, grit our teeth, and do some boring ass civics homework! I believe in you!
Nixon's life work was ultimately successful, in much the way Osama bin Laden's was. That is, Nixon's crimes gave rise to a generational cynicism that redounded to the benefit of his party.