
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
I've heard the opposite is actually true. Better to keep the house a steady temp then continually let it heat back up and cool it back down (Also A/Cs have an auto setting.... So that they don't run all day???)
Someone told me they run the a/c super cold at night and then let the ambient cold cool the house during the day. Don't know if they were insane or a genius.
That's cool maybe I'll try that in the winter. It's 111 here so I think would have to set my nightly to like 40 degrees.
I might need better insulation
Insulation is really key. It’s wild, I lived in an old building with cheap windows and old/none/barely existent insulation (walls were plaster). We could barely cool it to acceptable levels in the summer and burned out a couple window units…
In our current place, the building was gutted and remodeled with all modern stuff, plus good/tightly sealed windows and walls thick with insulation and Mitsubishi AC units. It is glorious! We could make it so we actually get chilly during the hottest summers if we wanted.