
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
Yep! When I was born, there were rivers on fire in the US, women couldn't even open their own bank accounts, let alone have access to abortion, it was illegal to be gay in most states, etc. It is horrifying to see progress erased, but that does not mean we can't fight back and reclaim it.
Right. We assume the passage of time means progress. But change comes from people's interactions (including disengagement). The idea that a few marches or a politician who seems like a messiah will magically make permanent change is untethered from reality. It's lazy, not independent, thinking.