Charlie Loyd

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Charlie Loyd

A pixel/geography/other person in Oakland. With Marginally more active at @[email protected] on mastodon. He/him.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
I really do think that it's good to be correct and come into the argument with a clear understanding of the problem. But also if you try to correct people (even gently) they lose it and claim you're actually undermining the entire cause. I want to believe that getting it right is GOOD for the cause?
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
A thing I really struggle with is when it's worth trying to correct people who are on the same side as me, and when it's not. People say the wildest shit on here, that is often completely inaccurate, and it's hard for me to tell when it's inaccurate in a harmful way, vs just kind of annoying.
Opening my crafting menu and dragging Four Hours onto Pot Of Onions.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
I would like a website -- a google doc would be fine -- that connects news stories to activists/organizations working on related issues, volunteer opportunities, opportunities for public comment, etc. I'm not sure this is realistic, given how much news there is. But I want it.
But seriously, what are we doing to help protect people from scams like fintech companies having fdic on their homepage but it doesn't really apply to their customers?
Data center resource use is a big problem. The tech industry getting very weird about “AI” is a big problem. Stories about the resource use of “AI” that are so poorly contextualized that they are borderline intellectually dishonest are probably not how we get to a good solution.
They should have a social media website with a quiet car.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
trying to convince my wife to come watch the debate with me
*yelling from inside the getting kicked in the nuts factory* it's actually insane that you guys won't come in here
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
i don’t mean to judge but i feel like a lot of you would benefit mentally and emotionally from simply not watching presidential debates
Guy Salieri. Frosted tips, bowling shirt, hates Mozart. Sorry.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
Somehow the baby has confused “bat’riq” (Arabic for penguin) with “bless you”—but she also knows that “saha” is what you say in Arabic when a person sneezes. So, logically, she’s deduced that the English post-sneeze salutation is to heartily say “penguin!”
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
agreed - would also serve movements to spread some media literacy around how orchestrated propaganda campaigns are likely to exploit the statistical certainty of finding a convenient narrative-confirming example out of any sufficiently large movement
one of the realities of massive popular movements is that there will inevitably be idiots within their ranks. movements need to be good at identifying and weeding them out, but the media also needs to avoid giving them disproportionate attention
There’s been a new round of interest in the Glaze/Nightshade stuff – I saw like five references to it on the weekend – and I really have to recommend that anyone excited about it read it closely and consider the responses to it. It may not be exactly what you want it to be.
Have renamed my three scratch-quality external SSDs from salp, Sablefish, and soestia to tuna, uaru, and varve, and it only took me three or four years of continual mistakes to convince me.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
This curve will level out eventually, because such curves must in a finite world, and when it does, the usual outlets will frame it as “solar’s good times are over” or whatever. We’re living through some very bad things, but also one of the most widely beneficial rollouts of any technology ever.
Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
Every compostable grocery bag I’ve ever used has been an obvious op by the plastics industry.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
oh no someone is saying dopey shit on the internet luckily all the BPA in the water has built a teflon coating on my brain to repel this knowledge
They should invent a kind of article that you can read past the headline of and think critically about even when you support its rhetorical goals.
On my morning walk, sipping a cappuccino from the worker-owned co-op, enjoying the calm overcast, when I realized I had spent the last five minutes workshopping a mean joke about today’s awful LLM discourse. Time perhaps to adjust my online-ness.
Some people I follow here would clearly prefer Mastodon, and vice versa, but I’m never telling.
The public ISS feed accidentally broadcast a snippet of a drill in which an astronaut was badly injured, and like 10,000 people around the world had a very tense hour before it was cleared up. Reminded me of an earlier time on the internet for a minute there.
Avatar So where are we on the photo credit, the editorial credit, and the alt text?
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
I've reached the stage of book editing where this is my entire life now.
Avatar So how do you feel about photo credits, clarity about whose project this is, and alt text?
Unclear why I’m supposed to be excited by the prospect of an extraterrestrial intelligence that only wants to play peekaboo with fighter jets and generally act like pentesting drones from another superpower.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Loyd
I wasn’t there to accept the award in person but if I had been, here’s the speech I would’ve given ❤️
Oh damn I just won a Beard Award!!!
I’ve been tinkering with an old obsession: pansharpening, a low-level image processing operation for satellite photos. There’s a lot of interesting research but I have some mildly unorthodox ideas I and want to make something efficient enough to actually use in practice.
It’s finally cloudy, so I’m going to find an Altın Gün album on my phone and take a walk. Zeus himself could not stop me – he’s too weak and cowardly.