
this whole thing is becoming a non-event, a giant simulacrum that everyone is rapid dumping their anxieties into, and what is genuinely hilarious is that this is sufficient to bootstrap a real crisis. I love modern news/social media and the machinations of its management wrt electoral democracy lol.
this is not happening! a bunch of people are intimating that there’s about to be a cavalcade of leaks, both of this sort and of the dish-the-dirt sort, and maybe there will be but this is not where we are right now
take the blackpill brother (scaring the shit out of democrats drive their turnout like crazy)
The whole thing is literally something out of the 1967 Guy Debord book "Society of the Spectacle" which everyone should re-read to better understand the kakistocracy our beloved corporate gods bestowed upon us:
Society of the spectacle - Guy French Situationist Guy Debord's seminal analysis of consumer capitalism in the late 20th century.