
this is not happening! a bunch of people are intimating that there’s about to be a cavalcade of leaks, both of this sort and of the dish-the-dirt sort, and maybe there will be but this is not where we are right now
I think when half your campaign and party leaders are leaking to the press that they're shitting bricks, and you're not putting it to bed with some urgency, there's a problem that's a lot bigger than a few folks on social media thinking the sky is falling
I am a little surprised at how much it isn’t happening
There are a ton of people who are shitting bricks but none of them are anywhere near the president, and most of them are going off what they saw on TV, not any interactions with him.
I've noticed a lot of statements sourcing "talking to donors" as the source of their anxiety. Which, you do have to keep that herd quelled, but...
Might need to come up with new political theories if a dishonest dedicated nationwide freakout over nothing doesn't end up moving the polls. Has the public finally wizened up? Is this the result of crypto and Meta and AI all trying to bullshit their way to victory and failing?
Been a lot of breathless headlines that are not supported by the actual quotes in the article. Do those count?
I don't know how you're supposed to put it to bed with any more urgency than planning a major interview & putting out an unequivocal statement. I get the impression that people are begging for a tweetstorm, or calling in angrily to Morning Joe
"let's throw the guy who just choked on a debate stage in front of an incredibly hostile press. I'm sure the pressure being ratcheted up even further will cause him to be flawless this time"
They want a candidate who they can do that, which is why they want to ditch Biden, but there's no reason to think there's any candidate available who can do that to their satisfaction
most candidates can do that better than Biden. But that's just always been true and isn't something that changed in the past week.
Better, sure. But better enough to keep them from finding some other reason to doom? Good luck
Bah gawd is that Charlamagne Tha God's music!?
It is purely fabricated from NYT bullshit. There's two Democrats publicly critical of him in major ways, with only one calling on him to step down.
It's a handful of backbenchers, anonymous mostly former staffers, and some out of context edited quotes. Maybe the dam will burst, but right now this is just a narrative being spun out of thin reeds.
**2 from reps in Trump voting districts that voted for Trump twice…
I guess if you include a former photog and former housekeeper as “staff”, then you’d believe that to be true. But if that’s the case, you’re out there looking for bias to confirm and not looking for news.
Okay: so my tin-foil bananas Pollyanna theory now is- one reasons they wanted to do the debate in June is b/c they anticipated ratfucking (tho maybe not this bonkers level) so thought it better to get it all out of the way before the convention and fall.
holding the debate at all obviously seems like a bad move in hindsight. But having the 1st in June definitely looks smart.
The overall reaction, compared to when a number of Republicans called on Trump to step aside after the Access Hollywood tape leaked, is very odd and asymmetrical.
Schumer's office told the Times that (as of Wednesday morning) he hadn't spoken to Biden since the debate. Not shitting bricks but a pretty big disclosure and not a confidence-inspiring one.
respectfully I think “we talked to Biden because he wanted to reassure us he wasn’t senile” would also be read as a negative. the only scenario where I’m big mad he didn’t talk to Chuck is if he’s stepping out
Agree that nothing they could say would play well but I guess I want to see the party leaders talking to one another, if only so there's a wider circle of folks who are up to speed on Biden's mental state.
well, Biden is meeting with Hill folk today
read this fast & thought, at this point Irish fairies are probably a better place to get a fair hearing than the editorial board of the NYT but you meant Capitol Hill, my bad
“I talked to the president, and he’s in great health and ready to beat Trump like a drum,” is how I’d expect a confident surrogate to respond to this.
who tf cares if biden has not spoken to schumer since last week
who cares if the president has spoken to the senate majority leader, a leading figure in his own party, in the aftermath of a major political shock??
"a major political shock" he says, everyone freak out because trump said crazy shit at a debate and biden is still old
Your take is incorrect on many levels
Pelosi’s recent comments are also surprising.
but but but Nancy Pelosi said it is ok to ask questions about candidates
I am getting fundraising texts asking if he should drop. The party apparatus has very much worked it self into a panicked lather over this dumb shit.
without making a statement either way on what "the party apparatus" itself is doing, i'd like to point out that this is not that, this is some random shady PAC called "Democratic Majority, Inc." with no online footprint and an address in a UPS store
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Biden please order drone strikes of phone scammers.
We don't need insider information on Biden anymore than we need it on the Gaza genocide. We can all see it with our own eyes! I could have done better against Trump. They guy hands you opportunities to call him on his bullshit constantly, and Biden dropped the ball.
Yeah, I had to unfollow pwn. They're convinced the only correct take is their own.