
I'm still not over that this happened last year and it's had absolutely zero bearing on our political landscape and no one ever mentions it anymore
I was JUST thinking about this. In any normal universe, a JUDGE affirming that a candidate in fact RAPED another person would spell the end to their political career and total ostracization from public life.
Right? At the very least, if I was Biden, I would be pumping out ads going "My opponent is a rapist who was incredibly close friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years, in fact here's footage of them partying together." Like this is stuff that shouldn't be allowed to slip into the background.
Strategic lawsuits against public participation work remarkably well, given that the US does not have a Federal anti-SLAPP law unfortunately 👍
I assume this is a glass houses thing for Biden, unfortunately
I mean, I think it's even more damning that a jury found he committed sexual abuse. That would have absolutely killed anybody's political career before 2015 when the rules changed.
True, and if I recall correctly the verdict was unanimous and at least one member of the jury was an ardent Trump supporter.
That would require his followers to see women as people.
Sexually Suggestive
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You could say that about a number of Trump’s actions.
Sounds like she's about to sue him a third time. I don't even think that pedophile even has any money left! I wish I could get money every time an overgrown orange toddler with absolutely no willpower to stop breaking the law said my name.
There's something deeply busted about our media ecosystem on a level that almost nobody wants to confront because there don't seem to be any actual good answers to it. The actual acts of candidates, and the words they say, are functionally irrelevant. What on earth do you do with that?
Like it doesn't matter where on the political spectrum you are, everybody is in denial of this fact because if nothing the politicians do actually matter then there's nothing to DO. Its the closest I get to political nihilism, at least when it comes to elections
Every time his name is spoken or in print it should be “Former president, known racist, and convicted rapist Donald Trump”
The passive voice there is so oopsy, really just gotta go with "Trump raped..." and not "was found to have been around the rape kinda sorta doing what amounted to mayhaps what is legally defined to all as rape"
i genuinely hadn't heard about this.
Not your fault you didn't hear about it. Shit's bad. Real bad.
one of the benefits of having so many court cases going is you just assume this is one you’ve already heard about
His base always knew he was a rapist. His base always knew he preyed on the underage at his ‘pageants’. These were never dealbreakers for them.
Trump would be only our second two non-consecutive term rapist President.
The ratio of rapist to non-rapist president is probably heavier in the rapey side
Reds support a rapist. There's also been hush money cases (documents = public) where he's done the same to children at Mar de Lago. Paid the parents to keep them quiet, but nobody cares Abt that either. More news at 11
I disagree that no one mentions it, it's just not mentioned by MSM. Many people that refer to him as a rapist on a regular basis. Sadly, the Trump/MAGA cult -- formerly known as the GOP -- sees women as objects that men can do with as they please so a rapist candidate is just another man to them.
The “not my type” defense while all but saying she looked like his ex-wife sealed it. Combined with every other power grab move he’s made with women, he should be ostracized from society. People who’ve done far less are simple never heard from again. His base just says it’s cancel culture…
For all of the worthy concerns about the state of news media and journalism, the thing that gets overlooked all the time is how much media execs hold a grudge after #metoo. They would literally rather have fascism and ChatGPT than ever be held accountable again, especially for their sexism.
My (maybe misplaced) assumption is that this will come back as the summer and fall approach, right as voters tune in
Though, as someone pointed out on here, I think George Stephanopoulos discussed this case and got sued by Trump for defamation and then no media orgs talked about it after
Considering that we as a society now have the attention span of a goldfish it should be discussed at the door of actual electoral colleges for it to have any effect, I'm afraid. Anytime before that it will be lost in the usual pandemonium of news.
i mean he said it himself. he could shoot a guy and nobody who doesnt already hate him would care
It's one of the few remaining things that makes me physically feel sick, to be honest. The fact that his followers either don't care or actively celebrate it is one of the others.
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I hope to all that is good that the Biden campaign is just holding on to it until the debate. The sheer glory of the first question to Biden and him just answering “Well, unlike former President Trump, who raped a woman, I believe that marginal tax rate above…”Lead off every single answer that way.
Literally the first I'm hearing of it. Insanity
You're not alone! It was allowed to fall into the pile of miscellaneous Trump scandals, incredibly.
Like Jim O'brien's coaching philosophy that the refs can't call every foul
Genuinely yes! It's like Mr. Burns' diseases - he has SO many scandals that not one of them ever gets the focus he deserves, no matter how ghastly. He'd be in significantly worse shape if he'd been involved in even like 30% less scandals.
I’ve heard more about Hillary’s emails (this year) than I’ve heard about this rape.
Waiting w/baited breath for the invariable respondents who will mansplainingly assert the verdict was technically sexual assault and not rape
By comparison, John Kerry's election chances were tanked by a photo of him windsailing
Donald Trump is in fact a rapist and there has never been a president who was a convicted rapist.
Kinda fucjing crazy isn’t it?
If I was Biden, I'd open with this at the debate. Later you can get to his felonies.
Their opponent has been legally declared a rapist. Will the Biden campaign call him a rapist a single time? Seems bad that you would have to even question it
I call him the Rapist Fraudster every single day, if you check my posts. I suggest you do the same.
Yes, it's mind-boggling & sad.