
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
I’m sorry every article I write does not cover every issue. I have to hit word count. I recognize as a trans woman that the only proper way to atone is to crucify myself for your always fair and level criticisms
WHOMST do I need to kneecap with a large trout?
And do you need some assistance in this endeavor?
I, too, am willing to lend a hand (or fish.)
big ol' salmon also acceptable
I could probably scare up a walleye or northern. We got options in Minnesota, but I don't think salmon is one of them :(
Fuck em, your articles rock and the most recent one made me even actually feel hope, which is a HUGE fucking ask for me today specifically lol
i took a peek at the offending poster's tl and it's a howlingly lonely wasteland devoid of friendship or otherwise meaningful interaction, so like, keep doing your wonderful thing it obviously bothers people with nothing else going on in their awful self-imposed prisons, i call that a success
I just started following you but I'm very fucking glad you're here and writing. You fucking rock. I know "Don't let the haters get to you" is trite, but honestly, if anyone is taking issue with the article you posted, that's really on them.