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Father, husband, teacher, scientist, and hopefully a good human.
I believe that I've solved the election problem. Have congress pass a law that grants Commander the right to remain in the oval office no matter who wins the presidential election.
What a disgusting person. I hope your Mon and Dad are still doing okay.
It's perfectly natural to want to be perfect, especially if you like the subject. I always told my students to shoot for the moon, because even if you fall short, your still way above most people. Plus once the grades are posted, the difference between 93 and 99 disappears.
I'm glad that both of y'all got free. And sorry that you had to live through all that pain prior to leaving.
Way too many metaphors for an idiot who doesn't really understand what the heck he is saying.
If true, this sign just says the god is a sadist. Sigh.
Blue cross. Man, I'm sorry your company gave you such a horrible time. It's always bad when accountants are deciding what sort of healthcare you get and how much you have to pay for it.
Possums are kind of cute, until you go out the back door and one is sitting about two feet from your face and hissing about being interrupted while stealing your cat's food.
Thanks, but this is for emgality, a monthly injection of antibodies to prevent migraines. I've been on that and Ajovy for several years. Insurance keeps doing this to me. They don't save any money and I have to live through more migraines while it is sorted.
Can anyone explain why an insurance company would approve a prescription with multiple refills, then about half way through the refills suddenly ask for a prior authorization? Especially since that interrupts a medication that must be taken regularly to be fully effective.
Also, hope you have a great time at the pride run.
I found that exact design on Amazon, but it would be nice to have the proceeds going to a pride organization over a corporation.
Is there a way to get one of those tees even if I don't run? I'd love to wear one in support of my daughter and her partner.
If you truly want honor procrastination in April, we should plan on celebrating procrastination during May. Or June, yeah June will be soon enough.
Their conclusion certainly doesn't fit the evidence in the table. Every one of the studies showed an improvement in mental health following hormone treatments.
Thanks, it's nice to put a name to it. Very striking and beautiful.
Clearly that means the dz-ers are a rare and wonderful breed. 😉
As long as the Trump family is forced to live with a pack of raptors (like the ones in Jurassic Park) I'm onboard with your candidacy.
Looks an awful lot like a tuxedo cat, but with white fur mixed into the black. But anyway you shake it, he's cut as heck.
Does this mean you want to rule the world?
Beautiful. I looked at your picture and started hearing the old song Dreamweaver. Then I looked at the title and understood.
The murder rate in Midsomer is so high that there might be more bears than people. (Ignore the spelling ;)
Just saw Todd Barnes whining on CNN that Trump didn't need to be tried in Manhattan. However, the constitution specifically says crimes should be tried where they occurred unless you can't get a fair jury. If the jury pool was tainted, it was by Trump himself.
A choice, yes. A good choice, no.
Trump is finally keeping one of his promises. He's racking up enough felony convictions to get sentenced to prison - thus making America great again.
I saw some pictures of Trump chowing down on mounds of junk food yesterday. All I could think was that we have proof of that old saying, "You are what you eat."
I worked with a youth services officer who would lock his guns away and just talk with students. Amazingly enough, this seemed to prevent crime as well as making a more cohesive and positive school environment. Who knew that reducing the causes of crime, reduces crime more than punishments?
Catholic school that only accepted special ed. students. I really enjoyed my students. It was challenging to figure out ways around their disabilities, but once I did they were such great kids. Many of them came in several years below grade level and left several years above.