
that sounds very normal? what's the point of them sharing this?
This kind of coverage would eviscerate me. “Staffers report that swamplizard feels tired ‘all the time’ for ‘no reason.’ Even drinking stimulants doesn’t help, but he does it anyway. ‘I take naps even though they make me feel like I’m about to die,’ he was overheard saying at a campaign event”
me when my iron levels are low and/or I'm particularly triggered
Joe Biden is exhibiting what's known as sundowning. It's a sign of age related dementia. It's not a stutter, or a gaffe, it's the emperor with no clothes and the DNC all out of viable options. We are living in the result of clearing the field for Hillary.
^fuck, nor a gaffe
Or me every mid-afternoon during what is apparently now my six-month-long allergy "season".
seriously. i hate both trump and biden, and also…
i mean. i don’t think presidents should exist. one small small reason for that is exactly because expecting the leader of hundreds of millions of people to be “on” and scrutiny-ready every single second of their life makes no sense, esp not in a world where everyone’s slowly getting long covid.
also, love that i got blocked (by someone who previously seemed to have some understanding of disability justice) in that thread for pointing out ableist trump diaper jokes just hurt regular disabled people who need diapers to participate in society 🙄
It is so awful that people find the need to go to age and cognitive issues and physical insults / etc to criticise *GENOCIDE* Joe and trump as though there was no other criticism to levy against these two
But FAAAAAAAAAAAT.....but fatty fat fat! I am an adult!
Just want to fucking scream at these people
tiny hands, haha, my laughing at him over having body dimensions that aren’t “right” isn’t playing right into eugenics and traditional binary gender roles. 🙄
right?? like. the mere fact of someone needing to wear a diaper or having a stutter on its own harms no one. the real danger here is what these politicians are actually doing with the power and influence they have. focus on those!! and work to make society an accessible place for all.
Yup and I could spend ten minutes on either one of these assholes rattling off horrible things about them and never come anywhere near these things
It's very childish. So many people's political opinions have the depth of a bumper sticker zinger
I’d expect more even from children tbh but it is one of many reasons there is zero daylight between red and blue maga
I agree with you, but it is a big problem if he has dementia.
If he genuinely has dementia, he and everyone around him has a responsibility to find a new candidate as quickly as possible. I'm making light of it above because most of what I've seen could also be consistent with normal age-related cognitive decline (which is still a factor). But it could be.
YOU know the point of them sharing this
If Biden were sundowning, he wouldn't have been able to stand in one place, answer a question at all, or even been aware he was being spoken to much of the time. He would be visibly agitated. His performance was not good, but if you've ever witnessed sundowning, that's not what that was.
I have witnessed it, and the severity varies from case to case. He may be in the early stage, and he may be benefitting from having the best healthcare of anyone on earth. Either way, it is painfully obvious that his mental faculties are declining rapidly.