wall of corn

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wall of corn


stuck in the endless void
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Reposted byAvatar wall of corn
obligatory fuck joe biden, fuck the IDF, fuck the border, fuck the new york times, fuck every single person and institution providing cover to genocide, free palestine.
marxist-lesbianism is so funny ig i found my new ideology
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once again it’s time to revisit the one moment we could’ve all come to our senses and collectively decided “I’m not ready for the internet”
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Really appalled at the New York Archdiocese for their statement disavowing the use of St Patrick’s Cathedral for the funeral of trans activist Cecilia Gentili. “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” www.washingtonpost.com/religion/202...
N.Y. archdiocese condemns a trans activist’s funeral after hosting itwww.washingtonpost.com The audience for transgender activist Cecilia Gentili’s funeral engaged in “scandalous behavior” at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, according to the Archdiocese of New York.
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photo 1: me normally photo 2: me when an englishperson shows up
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sad news - Duke University decided to dump their herbarium, which has over 800,000 plant specimens, one of the largest among in America, and includes many type specimens of Lady Gaga ferns. What a shame. Please stop Duke admins for making this horrible mistake!!
Reposted byAvatar wall of corn
fun reminder that the owner of the chief's grandfather funded the john birch society
the "wil wheaton getting pissed over larry david punching elmo" discourse is honestly one of the strangest things i have seen in a bit
grammies were less grammy than usual, no weird picks for the big 4 surprisingly enough
kinda shocked taylor announced the new album now, thought it would happen later or smth, should be interesting
seeing the texans demolish the browns is such schadenfreude
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why tf did my history class teach me that the wizard of oz is an allegory for the gold standard
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So WV has introduced a bill that would, de facto, make being transgender in the state of West Virginia a felony. Say hello to Senate Bill 197. This is... horrifying. I might have to evacuate this state if this gets anywhere close to passing.
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The Onion would like to congratulate its owner, G/O Media, for standing firm in its return-to-office mandate, as we can think of nowhere more conducive to best-in-class thought leadership than a fluorescent-lit room populated with the abandoned desks of terminated colleagues.
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i think about this obit a lot, and then think about how alex chilton would probably have lived longer if we had socialized healthcare, and i’m mad all the time that we won’t make the conditions for artists to survive in this country
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Lynn Conway, electricial engineer and computer scientist, co-architect of the VLSI design revolution, and transgender activist, was born OTD in 1938. She invented Dynamic Instruction Scheduling at IBM, but IBM fired her when they learned she was transitioning. 🧪 👩‍🔬 Photo: Lynn Conway
End of feed.