
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
Yep! When I was born, there were rivers on fire in the US, women couldn't even open their own bank accounts, let alone have access to abortion, it was illegal to be gay in most states, etc. It is horrifying to see progress erased, but that does not mean we can't fight back and reclaim it.
Same. Even Loving vs Virginia had just been decided. No ADA. No EPA. No protections against being fired for pregnancy. No no-fault divorce.
A friend (same age as me) who grew up in LA told me they used to have "smog days" instead of "snow days." The air was too awful to go outside, so school would be canceled. You couldn't see the nearby mountains because of the smog. The work to clean it up was rough, but it was successful.
I remember seeing pictures of those on the news and thinking what a disaster LA sounded like. And then there’s the ozone and CFCs!
I love to teach about the reaction mechanism of ozone depletion in my chem classes. I always tell the students, "I know it doesn't feel like this in your world today, but humans DO have the capacity to solve crises, and in fact we have done so many times throughout history."
That was my childhood in the San Gabriel Valley, in Richard Nixon's hometown. We'd usually have school for a few hours in the morning and then be sent home early in the afternoon. My mother used to tell me stories about how bad the San Francisco Bay smelled when she was a girl. Things got better.
I remember the smog days. Yes, that was real.
We had school geography lessons about Californian smog, in the UK. It was about the only mention of North American physical geography on the syllabus.