
U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon said she will hold a hearing for Donald Trump’s lawyers to challenge some of the evidence gathered against him for alleged mishandling of classified documents and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them.
Judge Cannon orders hearing for Trump to challenge Mar-a-Lago U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon rejected one request by Donald Trump but said “further factual development is warranted” related to the search warrant.
*Trump defense attorney Aileen M. Cannon.
Cannon is the lead on Trump’s defense team. Under the new Supreme Court guidelines will it be legal for him to provide a gratuity when she’s done helping him? She deserves one.
This braying fucking donkey is the poster child for Republican shredding of the judiciary. Cannon is the worst this country has to offer.
The parts that another judge already ruled on and an appellate court upheld. Why is this not Res Judicata?
Sure, why not? Let’s hold hearings for everything! 🙄😖
Weird how this happened just after the supreme court legalized bribery...
Corrupt U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon give us her full title wapo
And she will give each side multiple weeks to comment, then weeks to respond to comments, then even more weeks to receive amicus briefs, then hold the hearing and dismiss the challenges.
She is so not deserving of her lifetime position.
Time for this judge to be shown the exit. She's clearly just allowing Trump to buy time. Reeks of favoritism.
She is an appalling excuse for a judge...
I have been uncertain whether Cannon was just a not-very-bright neophyte judge, or in the bag for Trump. But this ruling (to grant another hearing challenging the basis for the search at MAL) goes beyond the pale. I pray and hope that Jack Smith is preparing an appeal to remove the trial from her.
This judge has a very fat Swiss bank account, you can bet.
Alleged mishandling? They were in his bathroom. And by his bedside.
Kannon is turning out to be a better lawyer for Trump's felonious fat ass than Alina Habba ever was
The magical crime that never applies to Democrats...
“Enquiring Minds Want to Know!”
It's not "alleged" though. He hasn't denied he did it. He's just claimed (falsely, as everyone knows) that he's *allowed* to break the law.