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Lover of kosmik horror, anime, football and martial arts
OH SHIT. Julian Castro has kome out on MSNBC and said that ByeDon should step away from the race. The question that no one is asking is who would replace him. Kamala Harris? I like Kam, but I don't see her beating that felonious fat ass. So who would it be Big Gretch, Gavin Newsome, Josh Shapiro?
Joe ByeDon might not kommunikate, or walk as good as he used to, but the dude is doing the fucking job. I like that he held a presser telling the Murikan people that he and his administration is on top of the heatwaves and Hurrikan Beryl. Beryl is a bitch in heat. And she's koming here next
will any of the feckless idiots who have over the years repeatedly assured us of John Roberts' nobility and seriousness of purpose devote their next column to explaining how they came to so thoroughly misunderstand the precise thing their job is to understand, or nah?
Okay, so the Supremes said that Trump's felonious fat ass has immunity in regards to official akts. How about this, Dark Brandon uses this new found immunity and places a kall to Delta Force to visit Trump. Let's put that immunity to the test
Not So Dark Brandon is talking right now and you have to ask "WHERE WAS THAT SHIT LAST NIGHT JOE!"
Damn, David Plouffe just floated ditching ByeDon right now. WTMF! If that's the kase, then maybe the party should've rolled up on Joe on Jan 21st and told him he's one and done. At this point, I think the only Dem who kould step in would be Gavin Newsome
Joy is depressing the shit out of me right now. But I have to admit that her commentary on the appearance of the presidency is spot the fuck on
So, what do the Dems do now? Dark Brandon didn't show up in this debate and now the party is in full out panik mode. At what point does the party start to fokus on down ballot races? This debate wasn't a good look for ByeDon
Trump is a gawddamn idiot if he thinks that Putin wouldn't have gone into Ukraine if he were president. For the longest time, Putin has said that the greatest tragedy of the 20th century was the break up of the Soviet Union. He has been planning for a long time to put it back together
I'm watching this debate and one of the major take-away's is that Trump really hates non-white immigrants and the muthaphucka kan lie through his teeth. There were so many missed opportunities that ByeDon kould've zinged him on was Veteran's Choice, which was signed into law by Obama in 2014
Jasmine Krockett just trucked MTG. Jasmine said MTG had a bleach blonde "butch" body. That's a hard burn
So I work for a private university's public safety department and I got an email from this group called "campus safety" and it said that UNC-Chapel Hill has defunded their DEI program and shifted the funds to their kampus police department. WTMF?!
my family still has the key to their house in palestine that they were forced out of. i've seen that key countless times, but i've never seen the house that it belongs to. the nakba hasn't ended, but i truly believe one day soon it will finally be over. we are those who return. 🍉
Mitt Romney is fucking insane. He said that Dark Brandon should've killed the elektion interference kase. Gerald Ford fucked up when he pardoned Tricky Dick Nixon. If Nixon had gone to trial, we wouldn't have had Reagan's and Bush's fuckery, not to mention Trump's bullshit
I find it hilarious that Natasha Fatale, I mean Melania hasn't shown up to kourt, but simps like Vivek, Byron Donalds and the other guys who are kissing Trump's fat ass for that veep position have.
This Lawerence O'Donnell's segment about Stormy Daniels kalling Trump's fat ass an orange turd is hilarious
I'm glad that israel is frustrated with ByeDon slowing up the delivery of arms to them. Now they know how the rest of us feel about how they've been getting down lately
I don't want to keep being that guy but imagine how the media would react if in 2012 Obama was on trial for election campaign fraud involving a sex with a porn star. Literally every oped in America would be calling for him to drop out.
I wonder how MAGA world feels knowing that not only did world leaders felt that Trump's fat ass was a joke, but sex workers did as well
I'm loving all of the stress that Trump's fat ass is going through right now with this Stormy Daniels kase. The longer he has to play defense and having his kage rattled is better for the rest of us
This is one of the most depressing Rachel Maddow Shows that I've ever seen. This segment about the rise of autocracy, with Anne Applebaum, is chilling
So it has been busted out that Jerry Seinfeld's wife and Bill Ackerman are the ones behind the Palestinian kounter protesters. I'm not surprised by Ackerman, but Seinfeld's wife did strike me as koming out of left field. I didn't know Jerry and his wife are zionists
If you think Southern frat boys are concerned about antisemitism you should be under conservatorship
Does anyone else think that it might be time for the DNC to start thinking about keeping the senate and winning back the house? That's the only way we'll be able to survive another Trump presidency
1) Is it me or has anyone else noticed that all of what's happening now is Putin playing 5th dimensional chess, while everyone else is playing West Virginia checkers? I mean HAMAS attacked Israel on October 7th, which is Putin's birthday. Putin knew that Dark Brandon would respond how he did
Watching Zionists shoot fireworks into crowds of students at UCLA while the cops just stand there if you’re wondering how the next decade or so is gonna go with the GOP… look no further
You know Twitter is fucked up when it's members are trying to rehab Joe MkKarthy
The impeachment of Myorkas, just like with Trump's fat ass, is asinine if you don't have the numbers in the senate to konvikt. Besides, which high krime or misdemeanor did Myorkas kommitt?
If Murika had taken Tricky Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan to trial, for the krimes they kommitted, then trying Trump's fat ass now wouldn't be that big of a difference to the Murikan people