
President Biden is facing doubts from within the Democratic Party about if he should continue to run for reelection following his faltering performance in the first presidential debate. Two sitting members of Congress have called for him to exit the race.
The top Democrats calling on Biden to drop out of the 2024 A handful of Democrats have started calling for President Biden to step aside as the party’s presidential candidate.
I know you press people feel safe, but when Trump wins because you undermined the Democratic candidate, he's coming for you too. Good luck.
If people don't vote for Biden that is Biden's fault.
I would say: argue for swapping him out because so many people won't vote for him. Do this without criticizing him in case it's not possible to swap him out.
People should be asking the dems why he suddenly is too old just four months before the election. Why haven't they done anything before now? He didn't suddenly become old a week ago. It's all a panic reaction to the press narrative, and it will cost the dems the election and the US a lot more.
I've been hearing dems say this for the past 5 years. It's really interesting to me that it's only popping up on people's feeds now. I remember so many people said they would vote for him just to get Trump out but only wanted him for one term
*wait, not so much that he's too old, but that he's not who they want as president. Sexual assault allegations (but fewer than Trump, and against adults) genocide support (not as much as Trump) being what springs to mind because of my own priorities but that wasn't all
This is a narrative created by the press based on Biden stumbling a bit in a debate where his opponent was allowed to say literally insane shit without anyone caring about it. This is on the press.
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How long is WaPo going to obsess about the debate? Why don't you focus on Trump's lies? You go on and on about Biden's one bad night and ignore Trump's lifetime of crime and deceit.
Why is Biden’s age more important than Trump’s treason, rape, and corruption?
Can Democrats persuade Trump to drop out?
Plus, hammering on those things just makes Trump more popular. The criminality is why people vote for him.
There are hundreds of Dem sitting members of Congress.
Seems like bad journalism is making a point of spreading misinformation and doubt when they ought to be screaming about the fact that TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON AND SHOULD BOW OUT OF THE RACE The washington post is aiming to be no better than a grocery store tabloid.
Give it a rest, and put a little more focus on the totally unfit candidate for the other party
Complete garbage being pushed by The Post.
Have you heard that Trump wants to put his enemies in front of a public military tribunal, and the Supreme Court just gave him authority to do it? Perhaps that’s worth looking into as a news organization
Stop this BS. He is our Only hope to save Democracy. Concentrate on the multitude of Negatives about Trump
How many stories like this are you going to run? I count at least 6 in the last 2 days. And I've seen not a single negative story about the fascist, lying, indicted, convicted Republican candidate. #DemocracyDiesInDarkness #AlsoInBias
Have you even tried to ask all Republicans if they support a convicted felon as their party’s nominee?
Imagine if the GOP had the cojones to call out their leader like that.
Imagine if MSM media had the ethics and morals to call out trump !!
Idgaf if Biden is comatose and unconscious for the next 4 years, he's still getting my vote and is a better president than the treasonous rapist felon ever was on whatever was considered the 💩weasel's best day.
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How about the Washington Post publishing articles about the lying Republican piece of crap on the stage with him dropping out instead??
So, everyone loved his SOTU address, the vaccine programs, raises in Social Security, lowering pharmaceutical costs, cleaning up after 4 years of a chaotic nightmare, but one debate, where he gave quiet but thoroughly acceptable responses - while the rapist lied nonstop- and u ppl won't STFU?
Our opponents accuse us of hiding that he's sundowning, and his response is to say that he'll just never go on camera at night, problem solved. If you love him, it's time to let him retire with dignity and admiration, passing the torch to a new generation.
Every breath he takes is saving our country right now. And by our country, I mean the USA, not Canada, or UK, or wherever you shilly-bots like to do your work.
That's MAGA talk. Democrats don't think of our public servants that way, as if they were special people whose very breath was magical. We have a VP for exactly this reason, so that no one person is indispensable. She's amazing and a way better candidate anyway.
And I'm an American who has been KHive since 2020. She's always been our best, people just couldn't see it at the time.
she polls even worse than Hillary which is not encouraging
Hey WaPo... Next time you're wondering why you're losing relevance/subscribers... Look to the fact you're continuing to push lunatic stories like this rather than focusing on the true threats to democracy facing the US. 🫏🤡🫏🤡🍆🍆🍆
When are you going to call for a convicted felon and rapist to withdraw from the race?
He’s facing doubts *from the media actively sowing those doubts*. You fascist-slavering worms.
Two sitting members of Congress whose Democratic opponents I'll contribute to next time around.
A court has found that Trump is a rapist. A court has also found that Trump is a child rapist. Trump has also been convicted of 34 felonies and faces 60 more. In what world does Biden’s stutter outweigh any of these?
You have choices about which stories to feature. Are you looking to inform or get rage responses? Be an actual source of news instead of featuring clickbait This shit is beneath you
It should be beneath them, but it clearly isn't.
the doubts are being amplified and pushed by you
So two equals “top democrats”? BS Why aren’t you devoting resources to why trump should not be allowed to run. That would take too much effort to be honest.
Now do Trump’s 34 felony convictions, 54 additional charges, rape allegations, fraud trial verdict, mental instability & frequent word salads, poor health history, the fact that he wants to be a dictator, all the felons around him, etc. Your treatment of the 2 candidates is vastly unequal.