
President Biden arrives Friday in Madison, Wis., for what will be a critical few hours as he holds a rally attempting to inject new life into a flagging campaign and sits for an ABC News interview as an effort to demonstrate his verbal and mental ability.
Biden faces critical day to push back against calls to With a rally in Wisconsin and an interview on ABC, Biden hopes to begin turning the tide after days of criticism of his recent debate performance.
I'm a brain doc (Consultation-Liaison psych). For *years* Trump has shown uninterrupted, increasingly severe cognitive symptoms: he's incapable of linear thought *at baseline*. Whatever disrupted Biden's linear thought in the debate is at worst intermittent. Bonus: he's not an overt fascist.
Many are unaware of the basic, fundamental difference between describing observable symptoms (“that person has bluish skin”) vs postulating causal mechanisms (“that person has methemoglobinemia”), e.g. diagnosis. [fwiw “Goldwater Rule” is from pre-DSM III psychoanalytic (not biological) causation].
More on origin of Goldwater Rule from era when psych diagnoses were based on hypothesized "intrapsychic" causation per then dominant psychoanalytic theory. Modern psychiatric diagnosis, broadly speaking, relies upon observable phenomena.
The Goldwater Rule: a bastion of a bygone era? In tandem with the changing political landscape in recent years, interest in the Goldwater Rule has re-emerged within psychiatric discourse. Initiated in 1973, the Goldwater Rule is an ethical code sp...
Incredible framing here, do y'all have a group text where you work this shit out
The framing is baked in now. Peter Bakered in even.
Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?
You guys are just having a fit hoping to topple Biden. Won't it be fun at your next open-bar night to be full of yourselves having helped destroy the US?
Wow. The constant barrage of "Biden old" stories while shrugging off SCOTUS spitting on the Constitution to create a dictatorship and the continuing insanity of the orange psychopath, serves as a reminder that WaPo is being turned into just another Murdoch rag.
These hours aren't critical, its July, the election is in November Touch grass, WaPo
the campaign isn’t “flagging”, you assholes. that’s just your fucking anti-american narrative. how about you try REPORTING the news instead of trying to create it?
diagnosis: Joe doesn't know when to shut up. He's unable to shut up when shut-up time arrives. All he needs is an aide with an air horn. Blow it when it's time for Joe to shut the fuck up
Are Democratic Party partisans whining that the pro-genocide capitalist media is unfair to Biden?
you dorks need to relax
Oh that magic finger. Very consequential to Bidone.
Sadly, it's probably too late to reverse the "flagging" as more than a week of constant media harping and Democrats shooting their own means that any weakness, however harmless or for whatever reason will be highlighted, dissected, and weaponized.