
A prominent group of political donors, civic leaders and business executives founded to protect the institutions of American democracy sent a letter Friday morning to President Biden calling on him to “cement your legacy” by ending his bid for reelection.
Business leaders, pro-Democracy activists send letter asking Biden to The letter sent to the White House is the latest outreach from the donor and activist community pushing for a new nominee after the president’s debate performance.
tell your group of rich friends that they can fuck off because their votes dont count for more than anyone elses
Did they send a similar one to Trump?
Rich people have too much say in our society.
There are simply too many of them as well. We should really do something about that including being HIGHLY suspect of every single motive they have for doing anything including writing letters and blinking, breathing, etc.
Do you think the press (that means you, in case you’re too dense to understand) will survive a second Trump term? Watching current coverage by you, the NYT, and others is like witnessing the slowest seppuku ever performed. Wild.
It looks like they have already agreed to be his personal mouthpieces.
Indeed, it sure does seem that way. After democracy dies in darkness, I guess the WaPo plans to unveil its new slogan: “prostrate upon the pyre of propaganda.”
y’all are just going full court press on this now huh
Really? Why? Rape? Tax Fraud? Theft of classified documents? Insurrection? Letting Americans die needlessly because of vanity? What a load of crap from rich dicks demanding tax breaks.
Oh sure, ask the decent man to withdraw, but let's keep the convicted felon WHO WILL HAVE UNCHECKED POWER IF HE IS REELECTED!!! Shame on all of you.
"Leadership Now Project" - founded in 2018 yet I've never heard of them. How have they protected our institutions? Let's talk about transparency.
I knew it, was waiting for someone to post the name of the group. More antu-Biden clickbait.
Yeah. Sort of pissed me off I had to click on it just to find out who this mysterious group of leaders and 'activists' was. I'll admit I only quickly scanned, but I think it was far more 'donors' than activists.
Stop this. Stop doing Trump’s psyops dirty work. Biden isn’t dropping out. Focus on Trump’s fascist Project 2025 and the millions of people he will kill if he is reelected. Remind people of his incompetence, his mental decline, his corruption, his 34 felony convictions. DO YOUR JOB.
Oh cool, we're going into week two of the full court ratfuck
Just shows one how inept reports are today. Biden's Health has been shared transparently by Biden himself for all Americans to acknowledge since 2020. Media is trying to say it's new to cover their butts.
"Democracy dies in broad daylight because we refuse to do our jobs."
a prominent group of out of touch ghouls wants to throw the republic to the wolves
They forgot the part after "cement your legacy" - "and give the election to Trump"...
Yeah let’s go with the guy who told us to inject bleach. We didn’t even need AI back then to tell us. We had the first thru fourth horseman of the apocalypse in Trump. That’s the guy these “prestige” outfits want bc SALES
I wonder how much money the oligarchs are funneling to them.
Hmmmm, is it just me or is anyone else having trouble finding the letter these greedy scumbags sent 2 Biden that they also sent 2 the convicted felon, sexual predator, pathological liar, charity robbing, traitor that ignored the deaths of a million Americans & leads the American Nazi Party errr, GOP
Continuing to be an arm of the Trump campaign, I see.
Lots of people were concerned about Eisenhower's health and his abilities to complete a second term as well. I think Ike and Biden have a better grasp on their capabilities than outside interest groups and the media.
If he's making a Walton mad he's doing the right thing
you say that like bezos never pissed none of em off
That's it for me. I've been unhappy with your crap coverage of Biden for a long time, but your op-eds, etc. since the debate are indefensible. Just cancelled my subscription.
Gosh, I'm sure they sent a similar letter to the Republican National Committee about their candidate, right? You definitely questioned members of this prominent group about the similar letter they sent about convicted felon and sex offender Donald Trump?
Cement the legacy by giving up to fascism. GTFO