
Two Democratic U.S. senators announced Tuesday that they are seeking a criminal investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over gifts of travel, a loan for a recreational vehicle and other benefits he received from wealthy benefactors.
Democratic lawmakers seek criminal investigation of Justice Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden want a special counsel to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for possible tax and ethics violations.
Looking forward to the publishing dozens of stories and op-ed calling on Clarence Thomas to resign, because his inability over decades to fully complete a simple financial disclosure form raises serious questions about his cognitive ability to do his job.
Finally at least two (two!) senators decided to pursue the most obvious shit in the world
I have been wondering wtf was up with dems concerning this..
Not defending Dems, but all they can do is political show. Finished investigation won’t pass the Senate floor, because of filibuster, not to mention get even vote in the House. But President Biden has now power to dissolve the SCROTUS or add judges on his own. Sadly it’ll never happen.
And I’m so happy it was one of my senators. Ron Wyden. 💙
please clone him for all of us. we'll pay you a dollar
My Senator too! Yay Wyden!
Man I wish they called him to testify in front of a committee first and laid out the case just to embarrass the shit out of him and/or make him defy a subpoena
Whitehouse has been diligently on this beat. It’s hard to find much fault with him, since he’s been screaming about SCOTUS for years now. People need to be contacting their senators to move the needle on this.
Whitehouse has been banging this drum for a while. It's infuriating that even now the Dems aren't galvanized enough.
INB4 SCOTUS rules that the SCOTUS can do no wrong.
They already did. "It's cool if it's not cash," apparently.
Well, shit. I guess I failed. :lol:
Watching the US through our fingers here in Europe. HOW? How did you end up with this situation where obvious and almost ubiquitous corruption stemming from Trump's time as president is still there running up to the next election? You've had 4 years to wipe these guys out, grow some and sort it.
It's so frustrating being American right now
"Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Ron Wyden (D.-Ore.) said they sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland last week requesting he appoint a special counsel to probe whether Thomas violated ethics, false statement and tax laws." Garland will get right on this, just watch. 🙄
Scotus should be 20 people by now ffs, you've had 4 years! Drown those creepos with proper judges.
they're afraid that if they pack the courts, that when the republicans get back in power they will pack the courts even more, and then we'll have to spend ten quadrillion dollars to build a courthouse large enough to hold the 7 million conservative justices and a prison to hold the 3 liberal ones
The war won't be in America (unless it's civil), it's our arses on the line. My kids.
Well, don't worry, it will be civil too. But this far right power grab isn't just American, it's global
Agreed. Europe is bravely fighting back with UK and France results this moth. Totally creeped out seeing Modi in Moscow this week at the same time as Orban is in China.
Me too. Europe is giving a lot of us a lot of hope here right now!! ❤️✊
for real. le pen just lost in france a couple days ago, and they're already putting her on trial in september for corruption around election funding. there was a coup attempt just recently in *bolivia* and they had the leader arrested within a day. bolsanaro had to flee brazil.
pretty much every other country on earth takes this kind of stuff seriously.
Praise “Bob” after what happened in England and France America may finally be waking up out of this nightmare
I'm so proud of my country of birth that they have finally kicked the tories out of power, and simultaneously pissed off with them that it has taken so long. The reports I'm hearing about the new Labour govt's actions in the last few days swell my chest with pride. 'Ave 'em! France are also heroes.
A combination of the electoral college giving Republicans a massive advantage and a department of justice unwilling to go after the insurrection planners and funders. Which has normalized fascism.
I know the Biden administration has had a ton of stuff to deal with since 2020 but they haven't done enough. In the following 4 years (so long as the rapist doesn't win) they need to get the courts back to normal so justice can be done and law prevails. = end of the GOP, all in jail.
Yes, the Democratic party does not do anywhere near enough. More of them are finally coming around on court expansion, but that should have happened years ago. Our system is a whole mess that's going to take decades to fix is the tldr.
anyone who accrues enough actual power to stop any of it is roped into the crowd of people doing the thing that needs to be stopped
hey, that's what I said only more clever 🥹
I am starting to think Abed Nadir works for the Onion.
They should carve two additional letters at the entrance top. (UN)equal justice under law.
Boot the RV until we figure out what the hell is going on.
Gotta seize it as potential evidence of a crime. Civil forfeiture and all that.
Honestly Biden has to direct the USMC to seize it for his own personal gain & send a letter saying he’ll give it back if they reconsider but if they remain cool with presidential immunity he’s just going to keep stealing everything the justices receive as bribes.
Its parked at Holly Hill RV storage in Woodbridge Va to avoid property tax.
Please for the love of God, throw this traitorous and corrupt shitbag off the court.
Watch him “gracefully” retire in a year and be replaced by a 30-year old conservative prodigy.
How about replaced by a 30 year old liberal prodigy. Let's think positively here. The alternative is another world war to remove Convicted Felon Donnie Thermonuclear from power.
Donald Trump will pardon Clarence Thomas on his first day in office.
He has to be elected first.
The senate protecting the people from corrupt justices. Like they are meant to.
Couldn't they have done that months ago?