
it is not *just* that this is deeply insulting any day of the week, but especially on the 4th of july, it is not *just* that he’s a fucking white man whose ability to vote in this country has never been in doubt, it is also that he’s a fucking liar!
for fuck’s sake, man, what the fuck are they doing over there
I'm at a loss. Do none of the lower-level editors or journalists have more self-respect than this? I figured the NYT was the one media outlet I'd be able to stick with, but I'm going to have to drop them. They're just in the Trump camp. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
the curse of the NYT is that if you are a good writer trying to do good work, you will never have a better platform on which to publish it than there.
maybe not never but definitely not today or tomorrow