
for fuck’s sake, man, what the fuck are they doing over there
like, why would you publish this on the fourth of fucking july, and why wouldn’t you do even a single cursory search to see if he actually had voted recently
I know this is a rhetorical question but the answer is because they legitimately want donald trump to be the next president and usher in a one-party autocracy for the rest of their lives because they think covering it will be fun for them
That and trump will most definitely do political genocide and send dissenters and journalists to a painful death or labor camp before painful death, so they sense it and are going to instead start championing the guy with the gun pointed at their head. They are cowards plain and simple
More profitable than fun, but yes.
having money is fun, going to happy hours with your GOP operative buddies and feeling like you're in the room where it happens is fun, feeling like one of the main characters of history is fun
Why would a second term of Trump be profitable? There’s no more shock value!
clarence thomas has had a very rich and fulfilling lifestyle because his actual benefactors have rewarded him for writing the things that they want him to, now extrapolate this to other people who write for a living
Yes, but he’s a conservative judge. What do the neurotic libs think they’d gain from a second Trump term? More book sales?
Biden is very competent, boring, and absolutely terrible for selling subscriptions and driving page viees.
I don't think it's that deep. NYT is known for having a somewhat educated reader base so readers should be intelligent enough to not let a simple news article change their decision to vote
people intuitively understand that advertising exists as a multi-billion dollar industry because repeated and broad exposure to ideas influences people's behavior, but when it comes to the media suddenly it's "this doesn't count as bad because it doesn't change anyone's behavior entirely on its own"
Differentiating views should be censored just because *some* people are too ignorant? Should we lower the bar on all literature too just because we're scared the ppl who can't think for themselves might act it out? Sounds like a dystopian way of gatekeeping information and shadow-banning free speech
it's not "censorship" to say that newspapers should exercise socially responsible editorial judgment in their coverage by the standard you've set here, articles about how donald trump would be bad are being censored by the media because they aren't getting published but you're not mad about that
Clickbait just like the shit Bill Maher was allowed to write. Ragefarming has become incredibly common with major publications in the last couple of years.
And just helping Trump win in their minds would help them publish even more ragefarm shit. I think they are wrong though. Gotta stop reposting the worst shit that gets published by them.
You mean to tell me the fascist cousin of Dwight Schrute might be a fraud?
Really i should be more empathetic because its probably rough to be starting puberty at 39 years old.
Started second puberty at 37. Can confirm is was very rough.
Believe it or not, he was born in 1990.
Roderick Spode looking motherfucker.
This is a serious person who should definitely be taking seriously and is worth of a byline in The Gray Lady or whatever the fuck:
We all know why and unfortunately we’re all incentivizing it further (this is not a scold I am frustrated that our society incentivizes bad faith trolling so heads they win tails we lose)
🔮 the goal is for people to not vote NYT wants the US to fall to fascism and is accelerating that
maybe it's just me, but i would be immediately skeptical of someone who claims it's okay that he doesn't give enough of a shit to vote, but had bothered to write and *submit to the NYT* a piece suggesting others follow suit. like, it seems pretty inherent that the guy does give a shit.
like, i know some folks who don't vote, and who will gladly tell you they don't... but they don't write to the goddamn paper about it.
even they know that growth is from wordle and the NYT cooking app
You just named the parts I read! 😆 I think you are correct.
Fuck the New York Times to hell and back.
They've gone from shivving Biden to shivving democracy. Little wonder my historian classmate canceled her subscription after 40+ years a few days ago.
You will be unsurprised to learn that he does in fact vote so the whole piece is a lie
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
The writer wants a theocratic monarch to murder women who have abortions, so that he is morally absolved from trying to make it happen himself.
Score one for the people pointing out the NYT is all in on making sure Trump wins in November.
attempting to install a fascist, op, what does it look like? backgammon?
I deleted the first two posts of this thread to stop rewarding bad publications with traffic. For context, here are the screenshots.
I have been a pretty staunch believer that there are good journalists at the Times, and the journalism industry is not ideal for giving up a job, especially at a flagship paper, but this is a terrible organization and if you work there you get lumped in with the rest of the turds in the punch bowel.
Having a congratulatory circle jerk about their brave commitment to diversity of thought
Absolutely convinced that the NYT among other centrist publications are signaling their deference to a Trump monarchy
3.0 there was actually another plot to overthrow FDR, but it’s not as well known as the first one.
Clown shit, apparently (cuz that op-ed author *has* voted in the past few elections 🤡)
The NYT's ratfucking efforts are definitely getting more and more obvious. At this point I'm kinda curious how far they'll go.
George Carlin had a bit that centered on giving up political hope. I wish he was more wrong. Truth is, maybe the only hope you have is to be able to live with yourself as we all learn the terrible lessons of catastrophe is to show up and dissent in the booth.
It me, the Paper of Record, just shit posting because why not.