
it is not *just* that this is deeply insulting any day of the week, but especially on the 4th of july, it is not *just* that he’s a fucking white man whose ability to vote in this country has never been in doubt, it is also that he’s a fucking liar!
for fuck’s sake, man, what the fuck are they doing over there
I'm at a loss. Do none of the lower-level editors or journalists have more self-respect than this? I figured the NYT was the one media outlet I'd be able to stick with, but I'm going to have to drop them. They're just in the Trump camp. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
the curse of the NYT is that if you are a good writer trying to do good work, you will never have a better platform on which to publish it than there.
It also feels (to this admitted non-expert) like writers buying the feel-good stories about the place & either not being aware of or ignoring how awfulness is culturally embedded there. Whether that means being wrong on Hitler, being wrong on Iraq, demonizing gay ppl & AIDS patients, etc etc.
maybe not never but definitely not today or tomorrow
And this is how it works: the New York Times would not have a loyal audience to which it continually pushed pro right-wing dreck if it didn't also have a stable of those who do good work, from actual journalism to opinions to features.
Really i hope their subscriber base just drops off without any old school national review conservative types making up the drop off.
Maybe it's New York itself. Maybe this is a piece with the NY Dem Party of Eric Adams and Hochul that is way off in the woods. A bunch of people who are so caught up in believing they are still Dems in a city/state with a moribund GOP, that they don't realize they're actually just conservative?
Waiting for the follow-up, "Why I Lie and You Should Too"
This is as bad - if not worse - than Tom Cotton’s “shoot all the protesters” op ed. At least you could argue that there was legitimate news in the viewpoint of a US senator. This guy is just a dime a dozen fashy weirdo.