Wyatt Bonikowski

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Wyatt Bonikowski


Suffolk U. English prof. Fiction writer. Academic writing on war trauma, psychoanalysis, Shirley Jackson, fairy tales, and more.
Voting is OPEN for the competition on the best art of @jamalzuhir.bsky.social's kitten Haiah! For a 5£ donation you can vote on any of these amazing pieces and if your vote wins get a exclusive photo of Haiah! forms.gle/2p4EKdZkj6uNBN5L7
Jamal is in Mawasi Khan Younis which is quite close to Mawasi Rafah and they are bombing tents today- killing 18 people and injuring 35 so far.
Bombing in mawasi rafah we can see it
If you are an academic or scholar, please sign and share widely this open letter in support of the esteemed scholar Dr. Raz Segal's appointment at the University of Minnesota, which has been "paused" under pressure from pro-Israel lobbyists.
Open Letter In Support of Dr. Raz Segal's Appointment at the University of Minnesotadocs.google.com Jeff Ettinger, Interim President, University of Minnesota Rebecca Cunningham, incoming President, University of Minnesota Rachel T.A. Croson, Executive Vice President and Provost, University of Minnes...
This week in our flash fiction summer series, "It was an ambush blind date: shivering in a tree, looking for Bambi…" by Michelle Morouse
It was an ambush blind date: shivering in a tree, looking for Bambi… – Necessary Fictionnecessaryfiction.com
"In the 1960s and 1970s, Davis said, Black-owned bookstores proliferated, carrying literature to support the then nascent Black Power movement." - some of my current fave bookstores are featured in this article. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/b... [gift link]
The Rise of Bookstores With a Social Missionwww.nytimes.com The pandemic fueled a boom in social justice movements and indie bookstores. The two come together in these worker-owned shops.
Got my copy!
Pub day for Horror Movie! Holly says buy it or she’ll shed on you.
For the morning crowd (it’s an energizing track to get you going …)
The great Sonny Sharrock at the Knitting Factory, NYC, April 1988: “This is dedicated to the South African government, the Israeli government, and those brothers that are gonna get your ass on the way home. It’s called ‘Stupid Fuck.’” youtu.be/u4AwHYeEEAA?...
The Sonny Sharrock Quartet Stupid Fuckyoutu.be The Sonny Sharrock Quartet live in NYC 1988 withSonny Sharrock - guitarMelvin Gibbs - bassAbe Speller - drumsPheeroan akLaff - drums
Pub day for Horror Movie! Holly says buy it or she’ll shed on you.
The great Sonny Sharrock at the Knitting Factory, NYC, April 1988: “This is dedicated to the South African government, the Israeli government, and those brothers that are gonna get your ass on the way home. It’s called ‘Stupid Fuck.’” youtu.be/u4AwHYeEEAA?...
The Sonny Sharrock Quartet Stupid Fuckyoutu.be The Sonny Sharrock Quartet live in NYC 1988 withSonny Sharrock - guitarMelvin Gibbs - bassAbe Speller - drumsPheeroan akLaff - drums
Ep. 141: Protest Politics with Robin D. G. Kelley @derekcrim.bsky.social and @nkalamb.bsky.social are joined by Robin Kelley to discuss the UCLA anti-genocide encampment and analyze the student protest movement and its relation to the neoliberal university and racial capitalism. t.co/TRSXEkgYT4
“We built these universities from tents. And from tents, with the support of our friends, we will rebuild them once again.” Open letter from Gaza academics to the world. Damn. www.aljazeera.com/opinions/202...
This is awesome. Can’t wait to check out this new bookstore: “A line of readers stretched down Highland Avenue waiting for Narrative, Davis Square’s new, independent bookstore that focuses on telling stories by and about people of color.” www.boston.com/news/local-n...
New independent Somerville bookstore almost sells out after grand openingwww.boston.com Narrative near Davis Square will focus on books by and about people of color, owner Mila Hossain said, but the stories are for everyone.
Got some good news recently that my flash fiction chapbook made the long list of 15 for a contest. Crossing my fingers!
The UN says 800,000 people have been forced to flee Rafah since Israel attacked on May 6. That is half the entire population. news.un.org/en/story/202...
Mother’s Day in the genocide
At UCLA, police and campus security “stood at a comfortable distance, laughing and occasionally chatting amicably” with a mob including former IDF soldiers and Proud Boys who were waging their own war on anti-genocide student protesters. www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2024/ma... h/t @grendan.bsky.social
Annelise Orleck, Chair of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth, has reportedly been banned from campus for six months for trying to protect her students from the police.
At Dartmouth.