Fryda Wolff

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Fryda Wolff

I don't have a college degree. |
Where I am mentally. (On vacation.)
Emotional support ham and bourbon sidecar.
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Man, wait till he shows up at the convention and discovers his former OMB chief Russ Vought helped draft both Project 2025 AND the RNC platform.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
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This photo is pure 2024.
Sinn Féin held its seven seats and whittled the majority of the East Derry seat held by the DUP’s Gregory Campbell. The republican party leader Michelle O’Neill called it a “tremendous result right across the board”.
Sinn Féin on course to have more MPs than any other Northern Ireland DUP loses Lagan Valley seat vacated by former leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, and is under pressure in North Antrim
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jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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Short king no more.
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
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This is the classic rock radio station I would sometimes listen to when I was a kid
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Saw my first cyber truck. It truly is the first shape someone learning sketch up makes
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One of my all time favourite photos of Divine. She knew.
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never forget the usa today “heatwave” infographic
Happy 4th I would sooner vote for any desiccated organ in a jar over a fascist. Doesn't even have to be human. I would vote for a cat.
Softboy Hitler.
This is the tradcath weirdo whom the is publishing to tell you not to vote. You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)
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Fucking changed the headline and thought no one would notice. The TL;DR: Times runs a stupid "don't vote" piece from an idiotic right wing pundit. Turns out: surprise! The dude voted in both 2022 and 2020, and has written elsewhere about voting in earlier elections.
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"Independence from Britain" is the world's most celebrated holiday.
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
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Kili the Bald Eagle, an ambassador bird and permanent resident at the Howell Nature Center in Michigan. This photo was taken during one of the photography workshops at the nature center. 🦅
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Flashbacks to the first date I went on when I was living with the Bay Area where he sent me a lengthy feedback survey via google forms after. It wasn't even personalized because there were questions related to his sexual performance and, reader, we did not.
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when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
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The July 4, 1942 edition of the "Pinedale Logger," the newspaper written by inmates of the concentration camp in my hometown of Fresno, CA, describes a "Gala Fourth Festival" & features a masthead motto from Thomas Paine: "Tyranny, Like Hell, Is Not Easily Conquered."
July 4th Parade, Tule Lake Internment Camp, 1943.
What are we doing here. Here, there, anywhere.
Noplace, a new social media app with colorful, customizable profiles and text-based updates targeting Gen Z, reaches number one on the iOS App Store in the US (Sarah Perez/TechCrunch) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
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a cop shot himself and this is the headline they went with
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the vibes are horrendous and i think it's because we're heading into a july 4th when approximately no one at all is excited about this country
The Vibes today are Very Bad and if you're out there mansplaining fascism and its ills right now after ignoring our warnings for years, I hope you have an even worse week than my own
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Been thinking a lot about the countries that imprison people over social media posts the government doesn't like.
I've lived in an authoritarian country (Saudi) and the lesson I take from it is that most of us will be fine--many of us will even prosper. But folks on the margins are in for a level of cruelty that's incomprehensible right now. At least now we know what our generation's great struggle will be.
🌴 Vacation time! 😎
Last week, CDC's wastewater tracking of SARS-CoV-2 officially reached "high" across western states Some of worst levels in this region have been in Hawaii, which has also been seeing COVID-19 ER visits higher than recent peaks
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Studies by FDA of tattoo and permanent makeup inks are still finding contamination, this time with anaerobic bacteria "no clear link between a product label claiming sterility and the actual absence of bacterial contamination"
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Me, this summer and every summer.