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Baseball Crank back on the hellsite calling out the lefties on Bluesky and that noted violent agitator: @kenwhite.bsky.social
The Full Monty Python and the Holy Grail
From Russia With Love, Actually
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
If you announce you’re sitting out the election, you’re just making it clear that you and your complaints should be ignored. Hell, you’re making it *easier* for politicians to ignore you.
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Boycotting a product works because there’s an incentive for businesses to chase every possible dollar. Boycotting a political process dies not work because there’s no incentive for a politician, as the number of votes doesn’t matter — their percentage of the votes actually cast does.
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Every time I’ve encountered this argument I’ve asked them to show me when this has worked before and, so far, I’ve had no takers.
I was told yesterday that not voting is an act of "resistance" that will improve future candidates.
Dear @kenwhite.bsky.social, I would like to shamelessly use your Bluesky reach to ask for help: my son's in the Navy & is headed to San Diego for 4 years and made the decision, at 19, to buy a house with a buddy. Can anyone recommend a real estate lawyer to help him set up renting/property mgmt?
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
I just wanna thank Run The Jewels for ensuring that every time I hear someone say “picture this,” I mentally follow up with “I'm a bag of dicks, put me to your lips.”
Hey @kevinmkruse.bsky.social, I ran into a "the Dem party of 1860 is the same as the Dem party today" in the wild, and linked to your substack to debunk it. A) Thank you B) Please pay me 50% of the profits from any subscription increases over the next two days, preferably in gold Bob-Menendez-style
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Not covid. Any vaccine. This is how you create new, vaccine-resistant strains of long-defeated viruses. It’s a path to mass unnecessary death. Just profoundly stupid, unfathomably dangerous garbage. And it’s about to be the position of the Republican Party.
Thank you to everyone for your responses and, in particular to @mizzelle.bsky.social for sending the Youtube link to the Richmond speech. The link below starts right when Trump promises that he will ban all federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandates. Measles, anyone?
Watch Donald Trump rally in Richmond: 'We are going to make a big play for Virginia'youtu.be In Richmond, supporters started lining up Saturday morning for an evening rally at a downtown convention center. The entry lines stretched several blocks by ...
So you don't start a third party/proportional system at the top. You put in the work at the local level and watch it grow. It takes years if not decades of organization/hard work to make that happen. Until you do that, not voting for the (far) lesser of two evils is actively damaging the USA.
Where in the Constitution does it say that we have a two party system? We only have a 2 party system if we consent. The DNC is not least awful. Ir is equally awful. I will not support it with my votes.
Hey @kevinmkruse.bsky.social, to apologize for my rudeness in hoping your Chiefs would lose to my Ravens and cause you sadness, may I offer an inspirational story about how my county is standing up to the far right anti-education movement? bsky.app/profile/weed...
For those of you who may be losing hope, let me tell you what's been going on in my little county in NE Maryland. While MD may be as blue as they come, Cecil County is red, and (somewhat) affectionately referred to as Ceciltucky. The local county executive, a political scion of the awful 1/
For those of you who may be losing hope, let me tell you what's been going on in my little county in NE Maryland. While MD may be as blue as they come, Cecil County is red, and (somewhat) affectionately referred to as Ceciltucky. The local county executive, a political scion of the awful 1/
Hey @kenwhite.bsky.social, another defamation lawsuit for you: www.npr.org/2024/02/06/1... While I love the sciences and think Steyn and Simberg deserve the Final Destination treatment, this isn't a job for defamation law, but I would love to hear your take.
Hey @kenwhite.bsky.social, you doing okay with all that rain out there?
Hey @kenwhite.bsky.social, the fix is in! It's not like the law scene is a small, somewhat incestuous group, eh? It must be a. *gasp* CONSPIRACY!!!
Hey @kevinmkruse.bsky.social, please take this in the nicest way possible: I hope you are profoundly sad in three hours. Go Ravens!!!'
Greg Abbott, asking Ken Paxton if they can use eminent domain to set up a Texas Hunger Games
Greg Abbott, pitching his idea of a 2024 reboot of Lord of the Flies, but as a reality TV show
Greg Abbott, pitching his idea of a 2024 reboot of Lord of the Flies, but as a reality TV show
Greg Abbott, pleasuring himself to an endless loop of Anakin walking into the Jedi Temple and finding the younglings
Greg Abbott, pleasuring himself to an endless loop of Anakin walking into the Jedi Temple and finding the younglings
Greg Abbott, laughing until milk shoots out his nose, totally disrupting the minister's eulogy
It's both: it will until the "GOP" behind Trump, but it will also highlight how much the "GOP" has shrunk because of MAGAism
If it creates problems for vulnerable Rs when Elise Stefanik calls 1/6 attackers "hostages," imagine what a criminal trial for Trump will do. It's often assumed that the prosecutions will unite the GOP behind him. I think it could go the other way. 2/ newrepublic.com/article/1780...
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Billionaire sociopaths routinely lay off huge swaths of their workforces just to impress their shareholders and then when a chunk of fuselage shears off a 737 in midair they're like "ah yes, DEI did that"
There's no evil genius to Trump, there's just a lot of people without the courage to stand up to their fellow Americans and call him out.
This goes to the “stop thinking Trump is inevitable” push that smarter people than me are trying to argue. There’s no 4D chess to yelling at a judge incoherently right before getting a financially devastating judgment against you!
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Alabama Head Coach Bill Belichick
This. He's been out of the public eye for most people for a while. Once he starts getting wide mainstream media coverage and they hear his even-crazier-than-before rants, Biden's numbers will shoot up. We just need to make sure the election workers are safe
Yeah, I have a theory that when cable starts covering him nonstop there's going to be a whole lot of people really hearing him for the first time since 2021.
Reposted byAvatar Weedyfunk
Just gonna rewrite all these stupid op-eds to replace "Trump" with "Obama" and "14th Amendment" with "22nd Amendment" to showcase how intellectually bankrupt they all are
End of feed.