Wendell Albright

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Wendell Albright


Diplomatic dude. I know a little about international economics. I once explained the electoral college on Mongolian TV. Climate change believes in you.
I put together a fun page at LGF where you can add your own slogan to create a Trump bumper sticker. littlegreenfootballs.com
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
Gracie rides on my shoulders, too, and she sends her best. 😔
History peeps, just finished Richard Frank's "Tower of Skulls" covering the Asia-Pacific War, 1937 to May 1942. Outstanding. Can't wait for the next installment (it's to be a 3-parter).
God-damn it Ohio, why can't we be more like Michigan?
I am in excellent shape with Wazowski and Duffy looking for me.
You've been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you?
Just finished The Data Detective by Tim Harford -- highly recommended. (Confusingly in the UK titled as "How to Make the World Add Up"; Data Detective the North American name for the same book.)
Okay the site formerly known as Twitter, within like 30 seconds, moderated me for sending this... as a response to Mrs Betty Bowers...
THIS Navy Doris (Doris Miller) was pretty badass at Pearl Harbor...
End of feed.