Wendell Albright

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Wendell Albright


Diplomatic dude. I know a little about international economics. I once explained the electoral college on Mongolian TV. Climate change believes in you.
Anyway it is a great story, whoever made the pancakes!
Nobody called Mike Pence Trump's successor, not even before they almost executed him.
Ban bitcoin. Total waste of power, environmental disaster, and all the rest of it. Though on the bright side I guess, it facilitates crime. Texas leaders worry Bitcoin mines and Big Data will crash the power grid www.motherjones.com/politics/202... via @MotherJones
Texas leaders worry Bitcoin mines and Big Data will crash the power gridwww.motherjones.com Cryptocurrency operations are proliferating in the Lone Star state, leaving lots of folks disgruntled.
I'd rather watch a test pattern than the RNC.
Did he really make pancakes for Charlie Murphy after playing basketball? (I mean I know Prince loved hoops, but that's a crazy detail.)
It’s the first election after a coup attempt and the coup plotters are using democratic means to try to retake power. We probably don’t talk about that with enough clarity.
This election, everyone must confront it. We know who Trump is. We know how damaging he is and was to the fabric of society. He wants to target your neighbors. He's shattered basic institutions and checks on his power. Is that what we want America to be? Because this time it will not be repairable
Pretty sure Melon Usk meant 10 dog years.
I hope this will not burden you too greatly and you can carry on nonetheless despite this heavy shock.
It objectively sucks that the country is functionally running a referendum on the foundations of America itself rather than running a normal presidential election where folks can pick which candidate has policies closest to their personal preferences, but, alas, for dumb reasons that is where we are
Honestly I admire you for limiting to 17! I have tabs open in multiple browsers on the theory that I will CERTAINLY get to them soon and read them. Some have been open for like a year. I'm a dreamer I guess.
Said it before, I’ll say it again, tell people Republicans want to take away their tax refunds.
Project 2025 raises taxes on a family of four with two parents earning a combined $100,000 by $2,600, in order to fund a tax cut of over three times their combined income for someone earning $5m. x.com/SteveRattner...
True BUT there are a lot of Appalachian migrants (and descendants) of them in places like Middletown. In the Dayton area we had neighborhoods we called "Little Kentuckies".
Worth emphasizing that the very theme of night 2 of the RNC is a lie. Crime is down since Biden took office and we are no longer quarantining at home amid mass death. America is far safer now than it was in January 2021.
Speaking as literal trailer park trash who is the first in his immediate family to finish high school, much less college, when you're launched into the one percent stratosphere, you have choices to make about how you view, and act upon, where you come from. Vance has made... interesting choices.
My family literally just got home from our summer vacation in Ohio, and it all seemed so nice and normal! What happened to Vance to turn him into The Crappage Patch Kid?
Every state is more "purple" than people think. More Californians than Texans voted for Trump in 2020; more Texans than New Yorkers voted for Biden in 2020. If we ditched the Electoral College and instituted Ranked Choice Voting, politics would look very different on every level than they do now.
I went to Bowling Green and then lived in the Cleveland area after for about 10 years. The state is not as backwards as the rest of the country thinks.
People will begin to care about it again if a Democrat has private business interests.
No, but that D-voting Starbucks barista in Idaho or the queer son in Illinois that they don't know in person definitely are evil unhuman Communists who must be destroyed.
On the bright side I ordered several Macbooks from your twitter account and am confident they will show up any day now!
No, @teenvogue.bsky.social, Tim Ryan was NOT an incumbent senator when Vance won election (this was to replace Rob Portman). No, @theatlantic.bsky.social Middletown is NOT a suburb of Cincinnati. It is like 35 miles NORTH of Cincinnati. -- Signed, an Ohioan who loathes JD Vance.
Also Jason Sattler, Vance underperformed the 2022 GOP ticket in Ohio SIGNIFICANTLY.
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems Trumpwww.theatlantic.com This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
I'm not a doctor and not trying to spin conspiracies here, but I wonder how much damage even being grazed by a round from an AR-15 would cause?