Wendy J F

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Wendy J F


Born 320 ppm but downhill since then - just trying to be kind. Climate Collapse; Deep Adaptation; death & yoga; nature & farming, transformational learning & decolonising myself.
If we don't imagine what we can be, and do, next, nothing will change.
Calling all aspiring climate fiction writers! Polish those stories and submit them to Imagine 2200! The deadline is fast approaching – submissions close on 6/24. I'm one of the judges, along with Omar El Akkad. Winners get cash prizes and publication! Details here: grist.org/climate-fict...
Imagine 2200: Write the futuregrist.org Everything you need to know about the 2024/2025 Imagine 2200 climate fiction short story contest, celebrating the futures we want to see.
And the main question is whether we ever needed AI aided queries, or whether Google's old search engine, which searched the entire web and told you about all the things that matched your query, was quite enough - brilliant, in fact
climate court now
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Oooh so close to 1K followers!!! If you know anyone who is interested in animals/wildlife/science/anthropology/history/archaeology send them my way! Always looking to connect with people who have the same passions!
love Bridgerton - a mirror showing an opposite version to the High society we actually got... Society is produced by our communal mindset - we keep choosing Modernity, neoliberal capitalism & growth, white supremacy values over ethics and compassion. It has not served the majority for centuries
A progressive fantasy, "Bridgerton" allows women significant autonomy and includes of people of color within the highest echelons of society. History consultants for the show's third season, the second half of which arrives today, say such departures from the historical record are intentional.
How ‘Bridgerton’ Makes Historywww.nytimes.com Described by its showrunner as “definitely a fantasy,” the hit series relies on a team of historical consultants. Does the show take their advice? Mostly.
Just reading my own copy now. Important we know the water in which we swim, perhaps, than to be like goldfish completely unaware we're in a bowl.
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Me neither! Which is why I sit on the editorial board of the newly launched Journal of Catastrophe Risk and Resilience, specifically because I think these risk products are important and shouldn't live in a black box. Diamond open access: Free to publish, free to read journalofcrr.com
Don't like this new era of non-peer reviewed climate risk stuff
Homepage - Journal of Catastrophe Risk and Resiliencejournalofcrr.com View all research Submit your research for peer-review We invite you to submit your research for peer-review. Submit Research Submit your comment article We invite you to submit your comment article f...
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V v good Heated edition on the grassroots fight against big tech's shocking data centre growth It has been astonishing to see people being blase or dismissive about these concerns, writing them off as environmentalism hysterics. This is extremely bad stuff heated.world/p/how-grassr...
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