
I hate AI generated work, i hate the way that it’s invaded everything i do both for work and for fun I hate that i constantly have to have a debate about it I hate that i have to pick and choose which debates in order to have a career
1000% I hate every aspect of it 😮‍💨
Personally, I think all AI content should be labeled as such. It is often easy to tell AI images, but AI generated text or AI generated audio are more difficult to spot. I worry that we are not prepared for the unintended consequences of AI generated content.
I've started blocking pages and folks posting it on Facebook because the arguments are so tiring and a lot of people don't care.
Yes to all of the above.
AI is good for seeing what awful shit it comes up with for laughs and that's it. One thing.
the only time AI gen js good js when it comes up wjth unintentionally absurd shit. Which is not how it’s being used in most cases
I block AI I come across on social media and Youtube. Oh look an AI duet with 2 artists I love. Fuck ALL THE WAY OFF with that shit.
I decided rather than getting into debates and splitting hairs over philosophical concepts…I just decided i’m allowed to be a petty bitch about one thing in life. Sorry AI artists: prompting is not a skill and I got no respect for your trash
Nothing petty about it. They are disrespectful thieves.
how about this: “-and talentless losers” 😌
I miss when AI was a novelty toy that could be used for brainstorming and breaking creative blocks. Now every entitled hack thinks it'll print money and give them talent, and companies use untested AI bots to dole out professional advice. "It'll be amazing in a few years," my ass.
It was always intended to be this the novelty aspect was just to train it It is more that we didn’t realize it yet
I'm seriously hoping the whole thing crashes soon, preferably harder than NFTs did. There are some aspects of AI I'm okay with, but even those attract the hacks and grifters. It's got to stop.
amen on "choosing your battles to keep a career."
I feel this with my soul right now. I'm sorry you're in the same boat.
I long for the halcyon days of a year ago when we didn't have to scrutinise every image we see for several minutes to decide whether it's real or not.