
I’m going to regret this But quite a few of you are following ldragoo/n here and while some of her tweets are buckwild here On Twitter under the same name she’s been ramping up zionist harassment particularly of bipoc folks in comics, ttrpgs and YA Letting you know so you are informed
to illustrate how bad the tweets are
Well that was an easy block. Holy shit.
Oh shit. I have... personal issues... with her. Wasn't really expecting this particular flavor of unpleasant.
I unfollowed ages ago after some bad vibes and holy shit did that escalate from a quick glance over
It’s SUPER bad and concerning
I've just been informed they sent someone I care VERY MUCH ABOUT death threats for posting Pro-Palestinian stuff and I am now fully gone into straight up rage
Jeeeeeez Louise I’m so so so so sorry I remember being done when she was at the stage of going well no that’s not the real definition of Zionism or whatever it was And now we’re here
I muted her, because she was getting ... strange. And now I see that she posted this. That's going to be a no from me.
Unfortunately this is the mild stuff she’s posting on Twitter And I’m not understating how bad this post is
You also need to report her. She is spreading false information.
I felt like taking a glance and wow.
We used to be chill but everyone who disapproves of the genocide is a "hamasnik" and I'm fucking done.
For clarity, I severed contact months ago. She'd been concerning me ever since October and I gave a bit of grace because of how upsetting the initial event was but, it's been a DESCENT, you know?
Oh i understand completely. I talked to her a few times myself
She has cute cats. I'm real easy to get to know if you have cute cats. Siiiiigh.
She tried to come for me over on twit a little while back. Spamming literally every minute for what looked like hours
I don't remember her being...this, and I didn't doubt that the state of things is causing some rapid deterioration of people's psyches. But a block was about as kind as I was willing to be about it
She wasn’t this bad, she has escalated
I checked yesterday and she was following me here, yuck. Immediate block.
Hey, everyone who is in the comments, please report her on here for spreading misinformation! Let’s all please do our part.
We'd been mutuals at one point on the bird but I had her muted because she did that thing, you know? The "I'm talking at/over you because I'm so caring and helpful!" but she didn't seem mean spirited, just irritating. This is a lot.
If enough people report her she will have her account be taken down. I urge everyone to report her immediately. It helps out a lot!
I didn't know who she was but I wondered if I was following her. I checked (wasn't) and it wasn't four posts before she starts sprouting "calling it genocide is antisemitic". Fuck her. Blocked and forgotten.
I am thankful I have no idea who that is. I just tried looking her up on here and came up with nothing. So, I wonder If I already blocked her?
Damn it, I *knew* there was a reason I blocked her way back when. Then I think on the Anathema account ages ago I got an "uwu, why did you block me?" DM, couldn't remember why, and was like "I don't remember, could have been a mistake?" But yeah, just a brief look now explains exactly why. *shudder*
It is also possible I blocked her on the Anathema account and got a DM on the personal one. I don't remember. Much of my Twitter history is heavily hazy for me these days. But yeah, she's gone off the damn deep end.
I muted her awhile ago (I don't remember why) but taking a look at everything she's been posting recently and it's just....real fucking bad
i was not following but she sounds like someone i would rather avoid, thanks for the heads up
When I stopped looking at twitter she seemed mostly normal but uh holy fucking shit
One of us must have blocked the other on there at some point because her real account doesn't appear in my search results. Blocked her here as well. Totally extremely awful.
I don’t even like showing it but between the opinions, still having mutuals who would hate it, and the horrible harassment of folks on Twitter 🤷🏾‍♂️
I totally understand. It's a tough call.
You can’t regret sharing information that keeps the community safe. It makes me really uncomfortable I was ever mutuals with her, that ended in December or January I want to say as she began ramping up with Zionist propaganda & putting extreme falsities out there from unreliable sources. Super gross
Eww. Blocked and reported them. Glad to see their follower count drop like a rock