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Created this account to post lame jokes and follow tech news.

Fan of: linguistics, puzzles, mysteries, most music, programming.

Not fan of: hate, intolerance, bigotry, other evils.
I had a dream that a flock of birds was swooping and pecking at me, and I (in the dream) coined the term "pecquerel" as a new SI unit indicating how much you're being pecked by birds.
The look of the Cybertruck and Elon's hype about it reminds me of a 4-year-old holding a crudely folded paper airplane and loudly declaring that it is the "fastest jet EVER." And all the other 4-year-olds in the daycare clamor for Elon to fold them one too.
"The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Douglas Adams)
What’s the best opening sentence of any book or story? Starter for ten: “Marley was dead, to begin with” (from A Christmas Carol)
Did someone... break a leg?
Classroom cleaning day at a theatre school is always interesting…
*Pippin puts on the ring* The ring: "Breakfasts beyond count! Second, third, fourth, fifth breakfast! Bacon and tomatoes stretching to the horizon in all directions!"
The ring: I could give you such power! I could give you…uh…a big ass garden?? Sam: lmao what
My bird/plane ML image classifier keeps getting these random anomalies when processing images in and around Metropolis.
Rejected by publishers: Curious George and the 140-ton hydraulic press.
"Yes, Sammie's ear? Did you have a question?"
Sammie's daily ear check-in
Am I the only one that thought of Ash from Army of Darkness trying to remember the spell that would let him safely take the Necronimicon?
Nitro Horchata Cream Ale. Ridiculous. Way too bomb. I hate when I have a beer like this because it makes me not want to leave.
Rejected by publishers: Curious George and the Two Slightly Subcritical Masses of Plutonium
Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Loved her in A Stbo Is Boar
I'm in such a state I simply could not tell what this said
Not liking this new trend of long haul airplanes having no air vents. And then keeping the cabin at like 78F.
Idea: a column by George Takei called Hot Takei
"We're doing a special of a stand-up comedian and need an idea for an intro." "Hmm.. why don't we show them arriving for the show and making their way through all the backstage areas?" "Brilliant!"
"hay café" - "there's coffee" in Spanish. "hay cafe" - a coffee shop for horses.
Bathroom math is weird. When I see a listing on zillowgonewild for a house with 6br/9ba, it makes me wonder - do they just have 9 full baths, or is it like each bedroom has its own en suite, and then there are six more powder rooms counting as 0.5 each.
Putting the mouse cursor on the leading edge of the progress bar so you can see if it moves
Downloading Netscape
Bob's Burgers needs a Lord of the Rings themed episode. The burger of the day can be the Witch-King of Angus burger, served with a side of One-ion Rings and a Tom Bombadill pickle.
End of feed.