
This is the fundamental problem we’re facing, with Biden, with Trump, with politics. We spend many hours a day consuming media. But the content of that media is increasingly determined not by WHAT IS TRUE, but by WHAT EARNS AUDIENCE ATTENTION. Factoids are harvested and rebuilt into those stories.
there's the larger question about why "a couple anonymous donors speaking on background says something bad about the candidate" is considered to be newsworthy enough to peg a front-page, push-notification-generating story to. Could easily do the same to Trump!
We spend dozens of hours per week inside a hallucinatory bubble in which factual reality provides little or no check on how the world is depicted to us.
Taking a bunch of megadonors on a field trip to Plato’s Cave and politely asking them what happens when the cave guys start making their own shadows.
Remember when you went after Feinstein because she lost the ability to lead?
It's like we're getting spam mail from like, The National Enquirer....and people are "panicking" (allegedly) over what's essentially clickbait junk 💀