
our political nerd class spent too much time learning how to do regressions and not nearly enough time learning about postmodernism
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
lawyers! lawyers are training to communicate in pretty much the polar opposite way that you actually need to communicate to voters. basic communication techniques like reptition, re-framing, analogy are all things that will make a judge mad at you if you do it in a legal filing
I mean lawyers are great at understanding how to frame things to win hearts and minds… just, the kind that litigate crummy personal injury cases to a jury, not the fancy kind whose entire career is filing appellate briefs to Harvard-educated circuit court judges. Guess which kind go into politics
Yes! Scumbag ambulance chaser trial lawyer John Edwards was one of the only good Dems in my lifetime at doing this sort of communications!
Obviously had other scumbag-adjacent issues that limited his success but he managed to get himself up from nothing to being *this* close to being vice president!
I wonder if there are any other scumbag grifters whose political success is completely mysterious to the pedigreed Ivy League class
Worth remembering that Joeseph Robinette Biden was also a trial attorney in Delaware before he unseated an incumbent Republican senator in 1972, year where the Republican at the top of the ticket carried Delaware and 48 other states.
I’m not saying “run the BLBG attorneys who kicked Elon trump’s ass” but it’s not a bad idea