
Discover feedback thread! If you have something to say, let me know here. Likely a lot of it will be “yep, we know” because we all dogfood it a lot, but also theres a lot more of you out there.
just checking if this is normal and/or intended?
it's time to take back control. posting this to hold myself accountable
reminder that if you do this you have to stay on the app for the entirety of the time limit
Also you have to post the whole time
can reproduce, this needs to be escalated for review.
What uh what timeframe is this measuring over. Asking for a friend
I’m feeling much less bad about my 17+hr / 10 day stat😅
My highest is 3 hours over 10 days on Instagram.
one gripe i have with discover is that it never feels like it actually responds to my see more/see less feedback
you might be hitting the same problem that i did before, which is that “show less” didn’t have effect on posts pulled into from a generic “popular on the network” segment. the fix for that is in testing
It does sometimes feel like you need to work for it. It's doing the classic algorithm thing where it's more deranking an account rather than getting you out of a bubble.
More of the latter is in progress. Its operating on a narrow topic boundary right now instead of broader bubbles
Wait… see more/less feedback? What/where is that option?
option to remove people i follow from discover
This is exactly what I want too. I read everything in Following, I don't need to see them again in Discover. Bonus if it can not show anything they retweeted too.
There are a *lot* of new accounts and first posts. I'm not opposed to some, but the quantity is very high. There are a weirdly high number of (untagged) nudes. I'm no prude, but like I don't interact with it much so idk why the algorithm is serving it to me.
The number of posts from people I follow is pretty high. It seems to have picked a few people I don't follow or interact with much and serve them very frequently, like a ghost "following" page. There are interests that I don't think it's picked up on, like I see less art than newfies.
Some positive feedback - I am seeing a fair bit of cool TTRPG stuff, even though I didn't think my stats reflected that so well!
Seems like that on dead Twitter, like there's a ghost "follow" page.
Bluesky got vibes. 🤙💙😆
untagged nudes is really weird, i don't get any of that. If if comes up again feel free to DM me a link and I can check out why they made it in (for science). If you "show less" on a couple "first post" type posts you should get less from that segment.
I get a weird number of furries. I theorize it’s because I click them to block the accounts, which is interpreted as an interest?
I kind of hope I’ll block all the accounts one day, but today is not that day.
Nope, i dont count clicking as an interest
Hmmm….well, then I get a lot of furries, which I goes is any number greater than zero. I guess it’s possible my friends are into them??
Ditto. And ditto on the blocking (which I would happily do from the three dots on the post itself if the option was there).
There are some furry mute/block lists you can follow, check out this thread:
Go to this list, click Subscribe, and either mute or block. Gets rid of a lot of the content but not all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wish I could mute a whole list.
You can; I’ve muted both of the lists in that thread and it’s reduced the number of furry posts I’ve seen dramatically.
a few suggestions: 1. allow big accounts to opt out of "discoverability," so they don't get swarmed by weird replies from new people. 2. allow hiding posts you've liked (since that means you've already seen them) 3. tweak how often posts from a single account show up, so it's less repetitive.
one more 4. an ability to manually opt-in to topic clusters, like authors, movies, art, science, instead of waiting for the algorithm to catch up
I wish there was a limit on how far back Discover showed posts. Maybe something set by the user, maybe a standard of 24 hr? Seems to me that posts more than a few days old really don't need to be there, anyway. My opinion, anyway.
the max age on a post shown to you should be about 40 hours, i'd love it to be configurable too, but also sometimes theres just not a lot of 'high interest' stuff you havent seen yet and the choice is either 'show older stuff' or 'show stuff you might not like'
Maybe once we reach the bottom, a button, the algo has shown what you like based on your interaction. Beta feature if you'd like to see more posts we think you might like and you can help train your personal algo. (With a ❌✔️ under each post)
That sounds like it's worth trying Also, something like a ✔️❌ underneath/near the post would be a lot more discoverable than the Show more/show less in the post context menu
I'm ok with there being an end, but I understand that this may not be optimal for the system.
It would be nice if the Discover feed was open source so others can make suggestions and even contribute to it in order to help make it even better. I can understand why you may be wary of doing that, though.
A lot of the components of it get worked on and trialed in my personal feeds here: Discover itself is pulling in posts from various components that are shaped like the different pieces of algoz.
GitHub - whyrusleeping/algoz: Bluesky custom algo Bluesky custom algo hacking. Contribute to whyrusleeping/algoz development by creating an account on GitHub.
Ohh! I’m going to check this out then! I’ve always wanted to understand what goes inside these things so seeing Bluesky’s own algorithm would be perfect for me to read. Thanks!
I wish it would use the content I post as a signal for what I want to see.
I’d like to be able to “show more like this” on posts that aren’t in discover.
It does, to a small amount, but i'm working on improving the strength of that signal
Thx! I’m basically here for tech content but my discover is mostly snark, memes, cat pics, and crap lime that. 😔 I’m trying g to train it but there’s barely anything I can “show more of”. Closest seems to be people whining about Windows 11… which ain’t my jam.
I find myself switching over to it a lot on the Android app without intending to
odd, there was a change that was supposed to do that exactly once IFF you were an old account that didn't follow enough people, but it shouldn't do it repeatedly.