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it's just me Juan

Sandwich Feed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:fhnf66tuqjgpobsshvfryh3t/feed/aaansno74tefw
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
browsing this tag is a pretty shway way to find artists on here (some are nsfw) bsky.app/hashtag/port... #PortfolioDay
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
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Lindsay's Nebula doc Yoko and The Beatles is so wonderfully poignant and human, I love it and I'm so glad she's made a cut of it for YouTube so it can reach a wider audience. youtu.be/SMOABV_zgrk?...
Yoko and The Beatlesyoutu.be The reasons the Beatles broke up are extremely well documented and even at the height of their animosity none of the band ever blamed Yoko Ono for it - so wh...
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
Ayn Rand: oh my god... I see now how wrong I was.. Me with a time traveling xbox: they also made a second one where you can duel wield plasmids and guns but I gotta switch discs
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
What's your favourite book ending? For me, it has to be Jaws.
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
artist, designing a bongle with a lot of bingles on it: haha yeahhhh yeessss woohooo heehehehe artist, drawing all the bingles again later: WHY'D I PUT SO MANY BINGLES ON THIS BONGLE
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
on bluesky you have the standard shitposters, the dudes who spend all day in discords but only post once a month, the doomers, movie posters, and gooned up zoomers, the hornyposters, the discourse obsessives, discourse haters and subtweeters, the foodies, the
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
Anyways, I did a thing bsky.app/profile/bsky...
would now be a bad time to start a labeler where i assign people fantasy ttrpg classes? it would be pathfinder, of course
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
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From what I can tell, Blocked is mad at Deleted
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
indiana jones got the shit beat out of him on the reg. ethan hunt is actually pretty terrible at fighting. john mcclane was a big human scab at the end of every one of his movies. nobody likes cool guys who never lose and never bruise.
The reason The Rock has largely failed as an action star is that he has generally refused to allow himself to lose (or even be visibly inconvenienced in!) a fight. But the people want to see you sell another dude’s punch before you return it!
...starting now.
now that the insular summer-camp vibes have worn off, this website's pretty enjoyable to scroll through
oh well~
an underrated aspect of the labels is if you forget why you blocked someone, a reminder is right there
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
personally, I'd prefer if the horrors could stop persisting for a while
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
MY WIFE: what is THAT on your screen? ME: A butt. Sometimes I open Bluesky and there's just someone's butt on my timeline MY WIFE: I see
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
I understand someone seeing INSIDE OUT 2 and going, "yeah, it's pretty good!" Because, narratively-speaking, it's kind of hard to pull the same magic trick twice. However, all the most resonant meaning of things are in the specifics. And I LOVED IT. Enjoy! www.patreon.com/posts/106385...
INSIDE OUT 2, Teenage Piloting, and the Dawn of Anxiety | Film Crit Hulkwww.patreon.com Get more from Film Crit Hulk on Patreon
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sorry but I’m gonna need @danschkade.bsky.social to do Jimmy Corrigan as the Spectre
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
This robot can sing and dance, mastering artistic mediums that were once the purview of humans In the future it will replace workers, taking over jobs like brain surgeon or taxi driver More than that, it makes us question what it means to be alive. If this machine has a soul, then what are we?
surposedly there are POWER USERS just waiting for DMs to arrive next week, or for video uploads personally I think the marketing outreach could be better, but that's just me
sorry if this offends you, but there's no good reason to have ice machines in hotel hallways I've said my piece.
Reposted byAvatar Juan!
sometimes literally: "After Lucas failed to secure the rights to Flash Gordon, in 1973 he wrote 2 pages of rambling notes about the Jedi-bendu Mace Windy. Frustrated, Lucas instead decided to rewrite a film by Kurosawa -- the result was the 13 page synopsis which was a remake of Hidden Fortress:"
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me after any social interactions