
My future prospects are fine but I’m pretty worried about America
Its extremely good actually Will, largely because its forcing you to pretend to everyone Biden is fit to lead the nation, which in turn ruins your own credibility and weakens your future political prospects.
But glad to see the online left has the right priorities as always (humiliating anyone for whom they have an affective dislike)
Half didn't even watch the debate. Social media has convinced them. They think their timeline is a representative sample of the electorate. As if their friend from grad school who teaches Montessori in Ft. Collins now shares ideologies with a single mom working two jobs in Raleigh.
Everyone saw Biden struggling to finish his sentences. Everyone heard his feeble, croaky old voice. Lie to yourself if you want, whatever turns you on, but you're not gonna convince anyone "he had a cold" or "it's just a stutter"
You're lucky that you're up against such a weak ccandidate in Trump, who is very much a weakened version of himself, because against someone competent from the right you'd be in landslide defeat territory.
I know British PMs are entirely interchangeable these days; I never even learned to spell your current guy’s name. But American voters, for better or worse, aren’t motivated to turn out for someone they’ve never heard of. So the left will have to stay calm and carry on if they want a chance to win.
Just pick Kamala Harris ffs, or are the Democrats so intrinsically racist they'd rather give the nomination to a dying old white man over a black woman who polls better than Biden and can actually communicate in full sentences?
You should worry about the new infant fascist across the channel. He’s liable to announce a blockade next week.