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I draw, I write, I look into things. I used to make mods for Doom. I have a strong affinity for old computers and game consoles, collect interesting decks of cards, and have enough golf games that two shelves are not enough to contain them.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestx... Big News for RPG and Dragon Quest nerds <3 English translation for the Offline version of Dragon Quest 10 has dropped finally making it's entire storyline accessible to English speakers without need to worry about MMO clients and possible bans
English Translationwww.nexusmods.com A translation of DQX Offline into English.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
He sometimes dictated letters to other cats for Taki!
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Raymond Chandler and his tyrannical secretary, Taki. www.dailykos.com/stories/2022...
It's such an unusual experience to get to play in a famous painting, but Infamous 18, a PC golf sim from 2006 that recreates the dream courses painted by Bud Chapman in the early 1980s, lets you do just that! Read about it in today's Golfshrine update! netizen.club/~wildweasel/...
Golfshrine - Acquisitions and Updatesnetizen.club Up-to-the-fortnight news of occurrences within the Shrine.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
31 years ago today, Shining Force was released in North America for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive!
Shining Force (1992) - Sega Mega Drive / Genesis I just started playing this for the first time. Have you played it? I'm liking it so far; I love the tactical battle system and how open and free the world feels. The first major battle kicked my butt though! 😅 I welcome any tips! #retrogaming
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Lol I love this. "We here at the Bishop Arts District are deeply committed to two things: diversity/inclusion and being creepy as fuck."
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Shhhhhhh no more scrolling. Time for bed. (Cigarette card from my collection. 1931.)
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
NEW GRIPE JUST DROPPED! I closed my LinkedIn profile awhile ago (no real value to me in 10+ years of having it) They AUTO GENERATED A NEW ACCOUNT FOR ME with my old photo & email address (no other info). And get this: I CAN’T CLOSE IT BECAUSE IT HAS NO PASSWORD AND I NEED A PASSWORD TO CLOSE IT
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
What if Cats were Dogs and a rhythm game released only in Japan in the year 2000 for PS2? Dog of Bay from Marvellous Entertainment is a cool curio that tells a story of love and showcases glitzy performances from anthropomorphic dogs in a variety of musical styles.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Seems like a great day to put on The Sorcerer's Apprentice (the symphonic piece, not the film), in the way it so much demands: at as high a volume as possible.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
A White Cat playing with a String. Fan print design from 1863. collections.artsmia.org/art/9655/a-w...
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Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Roughly 4 months ago, my primary Vehicle - a recumbent e-trike - was stolen from my home. Because I have no income, I can't save up to replace it, and it sucks to not have reliable transportation without begging. Help? Maybe? gofund.me/f1442f7c #crowdfund #mutualaid
My beloved Vehicle is gone. Help me afford another., organized by Corwin Brencegofund.me At the end of March 2024, my beloved Vehicle was stolen. In late… Corwin Brence needs your support for My beloved Vehicle is gone. Help me afford another.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Roughly 4 months ago, my primary Vehicle - a recumbent e-trike - was stolen from my home. Because I have no income, I can't save up to replace it, and it sucks to not have reliable transportation without begging. Help? Maybe? gofund.me/f1442f7c #crowdfund #mutualaid
My beloved Vehicle is gone. Help me afford another., organized by Corwin Brencegofund.me At the end of March 2024, my beloved Vehicle was stolen. In late… Corwin Brence needs your support for My beloved Vehicle is gone. Help me afford another.
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
i saw a license plate that said HELLRASN which one on hand could stand for “hellraising” but on the other hand the car was kind of a deep purple color sooo
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
RIP Shelley Duvall, whose life somehow encompassed both an unforgettable role in one of the greatest horror movies of all time and a 3DO multimedia CD-ROM about birds
It's a Bird's Life (3DO) Official Soundtrackwww.youtube.com YouTube video by Retro Pals
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
For fans of history, one of EA's first games Murder On The Zinderneuf contains a meta-game of sorts: Which real and fictional people are each of the 16 suspects based on? In many cases they are a combination of at least two.
i feel like playing Tex Murphy games in my youth was a large reason i became the way i am today - i love mysteries and investigation but am also a huge dork
martian memorandum, dos (1991) www.mobygames.com/game/222/mar...
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Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
idea: magical girl team (or super sentai team, or possibly a mixture of the two) where each of its members' personality is based on one of the stages of grief
Reposted byAvatar wildweasel
JFK 1960 // Hi-C Software // PC-98