Will Cooling

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Will Cooling


Writes & Hosts the It Could Be Said substack & podcast; https://itcouldbesaid.substack.com/.

Writes a fortnightly column for CityAM and has contributed to a variety of outlets on politics, sport or pop culture.

All opinions his own & not of any employer.
I can't help but think that if you polled a random selection of people, and said this advert has been withdrawn due to the model's stance on Israel/Palestine, a lot of people would assume it was because of pro-Palestinians complaining about an Israeli model being celebrated.
Seems like its a bad idea to combine your father of the nation role with party politics no. 4323084
Britain and France using tactical voting between socialists and liberals to defeat the right
Been dead 54 years and still saving his nation by defeating fascists
Sigh....we used to be a proper country
Americans...you may not like this, but this is what peak male performance looks like
I was instinctively dismissive - he has enough money, its too risky, etc. But it seems so widespread and we know he's done high level betting in the past
Fun aside from @stephenkb.bsky.social. I pretty much immediately thought Starmer was the obvious guy after the 2019 election defeat due to the not all together sophisticated rationale that he's a pleasingly classless professional man with a nice head of hair. The British voting public have a type!!!
How can you not just love the French?
I wouldn't take it seriously but Blond is speculating on him walking away as *PM* in the middle of the campaign. I mean that would surely lead to the most almighty rout?
Even I didn't think Sunak would be this bad
Option 5: Blacks out due to how bad the economy is then recovers strength to raise taxes through sheer determination
When you look at the Tory Party's popularity over the past two years, the only time they've managed to reverse their decline in popularity was when Suank and Hunt seemed to be offering the country a government that was calmly competent and conscientious.
I'm struck by these findings - remarkable to have the Tories and Liberal Democrats be so supportive of the Labour leadership screwing one of its own MPs.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I highly doubt that social conservatives actually want teachers to be criticising religion without checking with parents or churches This is a repeated problem. The Tories craven desire to half-heartedly dog whistles on islamphobia leads to adopting utterly incoherent policies
TIL that Thai slang alternative to "Netflix and chill" is "see the cat at my apartment" and I would 100% fall for this and be disappointed.
A flowcart to explain why Tory Populism is always a deadend
I swear he was not always like this. It's remarkable how badly he has let himself be polarised against DEI activism. Completely blinded whatever analytical aptitude he once had
This is literally like the warnings they give you in Suzerain before you're about to do something stupid
This from @helenlewis.bsky.social 's newsletter about a telling exchange between Kaleb and a Downing Street police officer on Clarkson's Farm is really good
Britain: Awkwardly argue about the legacy of Empire France:
16% of the population = Real Britain 74% of the population = Liberals whose habitué is the Cotswolds I ask again - who is the New Statesman actually designed for?
Given that they presumably think they still have some safe seats, this shows that the Tories still aren't serious about the scale of the defeat that is coming them way. If they try to defend 200 "vulnerable" seats they will lose nearly all of them (H/T @stephenkb.bsky.social)
itcouldbesaid.substack.com/p/it-could-b... Well today's events certainly vindicate this, and underline the impossibility of a clean break from Europe.
Obviously this is a non-starter because its just turning Gaza into an even less sovereign version of what's left of the PA & Palestinians have the right to a nation independent & unified. BUT trying to unite the two territories basically means the state can't be meaningfully independent of Israel