
Inspired by recent plane-based TikTok drama, a PSA: Videoing strangers in public is typically a foolish idea, not everything that happens in your vicinity is a true-crime saga, and minding your own business instead of maintaining 24/7 surveillance is good for you.
You Don’t Need to Record Video of Strangers in A TikTok saga about a man on a plane seemingly outed for cheating has reopened debate on how social media habits threaten our privacy.
Absolutely insane to document this on social media for the whole world to weigh in while knowing nothing of what's actually going on. What happened to just speculating and then telling a friend if it's that interesting?
There are people who truly believe that there is nothing too far, nothing too inappropriate, when it comes to exposing infidelity. They really think it’s a crime worse than murder. A lot of them use their dads’ infidelity to justify this opinion rather than getting therapy
"Somebody did a terrible thing that traumatized you for life. Don't ever put any effort into stopping people from doing that exact thing" 😒 Sexual harassment 😦 Child abuse 🤗 Infidelity Yeah, you don't get to dictate how other people handle their trauma.
One of those things is so incredibly not like the other two... 🤔
This is exactly what I’m saying. People not remotely involved in *perceived* infidelity is considered on the same moral rung as naming and shaming your own abuser. These aren’t serious people and their behavior should earn them social reproach.
"shaming your own abuser" HOW DO YOU THINK THAT WORKS, EXACTLY? Just you, alone in a room with your abuser, pointing and chanting"shame, shame, shame!"??? No, the shame comes when they walk into a boardroom and everybody knows them as "trade a pony for a blowjob guy" Millions of them. A mob.
You’re so wrapped up in your reactive emotional response to cheating that you are literally not reading properly. You are allowed to name and shame your abuser. You have no right at all to name and shame someone for possibly cheating on someone else. And the fact you think they’re the same is sick.
Weirdly, I have never cheated on anybody, nor been cheated on in a serious adult relationship, my parents are still married, and as far as I know there has been no infidelity in my entire extended family. So maybe it's you who is experiencing an irrational and emotional desire to defend cheaters🧐🤷‍♀️
DeFeNd ChEaTeRs. Good Christ, grow the fuck up.
Ah yes, the "grown up" practice of no snitching, I had my fingers crossed when I took those vows, and I'm invoking the takesies backsies clause for my trip to Vegas... Pretty sure "being a man of your word" is the adult option, but I guess if just not cheating isn't an option for the dick led...🧐
It isn’t snitching to film someone you don’t know possibly cheating and putting it online you desiccated husk of an adult person. Snitching is like when you see your friend’s husband kissing someone at the bar and tell her. What happened here is a harassment campaign against a total stranger
If either of them wouldn't have acted that way in front of someone else, they shouldn't have done it in public. Your public antics being widely amplified isn't a witch hunt because nobody ever filmed anybody doing witchcraft and used their own public actions as proof. Learn something today.
I didn’t call it a witch hunt you goddamn dolt. I called it a harassment campaign, which it literally is in every sense of the fucking word. You really want to get to a point where consenting adults violating sexual mores in public is open season for global harassment? You want that?
Nope, I want to get to a point where people violating vows they take to humans is taken as seriously as vows they take to corporations or governments. And yes, sorry, women are people too and you can't just make vows you don't intend to honor because you'd like sex and labor. 🤷‍♀️
What the FUCK are you talking about? What vows to the government? Who makes vows to corporations? You realize doing this to people you think are cheating is deadly for women? That men kill women for infidelity, real and perceived. You think it’s ok for women to be harmed for your moral outrage?
im a woman and this is not a healthy way to engage with the world or other people
Buddy do you think women don't cheat on their partners with other women??
😂😂😂 baby doll, I know they do. With women, men and all kinds of other flavors. And if you're so obvious as to get caught in 4k, you deserve what you get. If you're not caring about shaming your partner with infidelity, why am I worried about you getting caught and thoroughly snatched?
How do you know that man was cheating? If his wife shot and killed him when he arrived home, would you say he deserved that? Genuinely what on fucking earth is wrong with you
Kinda ironic to have this joke in bio and then go off about how cheating is as evil as child abuse
Seriously this is so sick. So many people think like this. Reddit brained baby shit seeping into the body politic
None of the wives I banged have kids, I checked. 👍
Yeah, but people should really mind their own business in public unless they can tell FOR CERTAIN that somebody is doing something that's dangerous to people around them. People jump the gun about assuming criminal intent and kids get shot. Big difference if it's your friend's partner vs a rando.
I really don't think anybody got shot over this, but I'm pretty sure if people start shooting cheaters they'll be over the age of consent. Minding our business in public allowed a whole lot of abuse to happen under the guise of "family business" and "boys will be boys" so... No.
This is so offensive and fucking sickening. You should genuinely be fucking ashamed of yourself.