
Inspired by recent plane-based TikTok drama, a PSA: Videoing strangers in public is typically a foolish idea, not everything that happens in your vicinity is a true-crime saga, and minding your own business instead of maintaining 24/7 surveillance is good for you.
You Don’t Need to Record Video of Strangers in A TikTok saga about a man on a plane seemingly outed for cheating has reopened debate on how social media habits threaten our privacy.
Absolutely insane to document this on social media for the whole world to weigh in while knowing nothing of what's actually going on. What happened to just speculating and then telling a friend if it's that interesting?
There are people who truly believe that there is nothing too far, nothing too inappropriate, when it comes to exposing infidelity. They really think it’s a crime worse than murder. A lot of them use their dads’ infidelity to justify this opinion rather than getting therapy
"Somebody did a terrible thing that traumatized you for life. Don't ever put any effort into stopping people from doing that exact thing" 😒 Sexual harassment 😦 Child abuse 🤗 Infidelity Yeah, you don't get to dictate how other people handle their trauma.
When your way of handling your trauma is to send a mob of millions of people to harass someone because of your own hang ups about cheating, yeah, I do get to dictate it. Don’t fucking do shit like that.
Nope, guess again. When millions of people are personally invested enough to create a mob, you have less than no control. Best to not engage in behavior that touches an exposed nerve in literally millions of people.
This…was pure speculation. She didn’t know anything about either of these people and what they were planning on doing. This is legitimately insane
My ex husband cheated on me when our daughter was 4 and I found out via private Facebook message. If that person had just blasted a video of it all over creation it would have made a horrible situation so much worse, and potentially dangerous. What the fuck is wrong with you people
Like - imagine if every friend/colleague/family member knew when you did. What a shit show - on top of already reeling w/ just the news of it.
It just beyond the pale, these people are addicted to clout
it was a trend a while back to look at completely innocous videos of couples interacting and accuse parties of anything from cheating to crimes based on "body language". Its horrible.
“Best to not engage in behavior that touches an exposed nerve in literally millions of people.” Do you have any idea how reactionary this assertion is? Can you not see the problems with this? “Don’t be gay, people hate it”
“You’re not allowed to be Muslim, people have exposed nerves about that”
Comparing infidelity to SA, CA, & CSA is deeply unhinged, speaking as someone who has experienced all of the above. You're also not a friend to someone who has been cheated on by making content out of them. You're violating them just as alleged cheater has.
One of those things is so incredibly not like the other two... 🤔
You're correct, sexual harassment is widely known as a phenomenon between adults. Child abuse and infidelity both ruin families and haunt the survivors for life. But I won't be telling people not to name and shame their harassers either. Thanks for playing.
You’re a child. Disengage from public life
Oh look, another thing you don't get to dictate! Look at you, learning all kinds of things today 🤩
Grow up. Get a therapist. Learn how to function in society as an adult with a sense of proportion.
This is exactly what I’m saying. People not remotely involved in *perceived* infidelity is considered on the same moral rung as naming and shaming your own abuser. These aren’t serious people and their behavior should earn them social reproach.
"shaming your own abuser" HOW DO YOU THINK THAT WORKS, EXACTLY? Just you, alone in a room with your abuser, pointing and chanting"shame, shame, shame!"??? No, the shame comes when they walk into a boardroom and everybody knows them as "trade a pony for a blowjob guy" Millions of them. A mob.
You’re so wrapped up in your reactive emotional response to cheating that you are literally not reading properly. You are allowed to name and shame your abuser. You have no right at all to name and shame someone for possibly cheating on someone else. And the fact you think they’re the same is sick.
Weirdly, I have never cheated on anybody, nor been cheated on in a serious adult relationship, my parents are still married, and as far as I know there has been no infidelity in my entire extended family. So maybe it's you who is experiencing an irrational and emotional desire to defend cheaters🧐🤷‍♀️
DeFeNd ChEaTeRs. Good Christ, grow the fuck up.
Cheating sucks, but like, it's ultimately one of many reasons relationships can break up, and one of many ways partners can betray each other and their families.
Are you actually arguing that is a just and moral thing to post video of 2 strangers you know nothing about to speculate on what you *think* is infidelity, and ask unhinged weirdos on the internet to hunt them down? Is that what you’re saying here?
Doesn't sound crazy and hypocritical at all.
That's the exact face I made reading that bio.
Genuinely, would you want someone to speculate on what might be a top ten heartbreaking moment in your life & then dig up your Facebook & post your face & talk about how sorry they feel for you? Would you want thousands or even millions speculating about you like that with feigned sympathy?
Why don't you ask everyone who has been cheated on whether they would like to have known sooner. In this case, before it happened.
Everyone look! A pre-crime champion has emerged!
This is not a situation where someone went to a friend or even acquaintance or even messaged the video that woman. This is thousands to possibly millions of people making content out of her assumed misery. You're making up a story in your mind & being belligerent instead of processing this one.
Nah baby, I'm saying that generally unacceptable behavior is being publicized on a new media channel and that's good. But keep saying that we shouldn't talk about these things, I'm sure you're gonna be vindicated. The "don't talk about what men are doing" factions are always right in the end. 🧐😒
Stop huffing glue and eating paint chips before you get on Bluesky! Deranged!
The sheer arrogance you're displaying is mind-blowing. Like others have said, this isn't about discussing infidelity. It's about using complete strangers as fuel for your own money-making, clout-raising content.
It’s not good. You’re advocating for harming people and publicly outing yourself as a stone cold psycho who literally thinks cheating and child rape are morally equitable rather than just admit that whatever blood lust stories like this ignite in you, it’s actually a terrible thing to do.
I can tell you I would not have wanted to know sooner if it also meant the information was blasted to millions of people before I even got a chance to discuss with my ex-partner. You need therapy.
As a survivor of all of those things you mentioned and more, this take is really dangerous, especially in this context. PTSD skews your processing of events. Healing means learning to NOT take your trauma out on others and always see everyone else’s lives & actions through the lens of your trauma
The entire problem with PTSD is it spurs you to behavior that’s interpreted by others as overreaction at best, toxic at worst. Thinking you need to actively stop all the things you see, through the lens of your trauma, as more trauma waiting to happen destroys relationships & your life
Not to mention other people’s lives. As someone who has been caught in that cycle and has suffered the agony of it, PLEASE stop.